East Kent O Gauge Group


Founded in 1986, we model a variety of railways in 7mm scale.

Members have a wide range of interests from Victorian trains, through US and Continental, to modern British railways, pooling their expertise to forward our projects and to help at exhibitions.

Some of our members admiring their fellows' modelling skills.
Some of our members admiring their fellows' modelling skills.
Members watch activity on the 'roundy' test circuit.
Members watch activity on the 'roundy' test circuit.

We have our test circuit and a layout running during meetings, alongside our modelling tables, where we work on group and home projects.

We currently exhibit one layout which is a work in progress Queen Charlotte Dock (QCD). Progress is reported on the 'Layouts' page.

EKOGG named sales items available include: Mugs with our logo and your name or suitable phrase; polo shirts and sweatshirts in french blue with both logo and group name.

Whether a railway historian, maker of line-side buildings, collector, novice modeller or seasoned scratch-builder you would be welcome in our group. Our monthly newsletter, in both paper and email forms, keeps all members informed.

Look at our Gallery on this website for photos of our layouts, models and meetings. There are also photos of model shows and our members' travels.

The News pages contain items and pictures covering many years, where you may find mention of friends and family. Many members share information and advice via our 'WhatsApp' group, so do join them.

A member's lockdown project.
A member's lockdown project.


The East Kent O Gauge Group has meetings in Badlesmere just outside Faversham.

We have three sessions a month, from mid-morning until mid-afternoon on Wednesdays or Saturdays.

Tea & coffee is available after set up and lunchtime or you may bring your own.

Members usually bring picnic lunches or meet at the local inn.

Should you wish to visit, or become part of our Group, you can contact us via this website.

Forward 2024 dates

EKOGG branded merchandise

I have been asked recently about the availability of EKOGG shirts and sweatshirts.

These are the latest prices:

Russell French Navy Sweatshirt shirt 762M (unisex) are £14.80 (incl. vat)
Russell French Navy Polo Shirt 539M (male/unisex) and 539F (ladies fit) are £10.95 (incl. vat)

Add EKOGG logo @ £4.70 (incl. vat)
Add NAME @ £4.00 ( incl. vat)
Add P&P @ starts at £5.50 (but varies depending on how many items/weight).
They are available in the usual sizes (S/M/L/XL). I have one XL sweatshirt in stock at the moment.

If you would like to order either or both of the shirts, please let me know by 30th Sept with the money. I can also get mugs made up with EKOGG on one side and your name on the other.

You have probably seen them at the clubhouse.

These are done locally and cost (I think) £12.00 (inc VAT).

You can order one of these from me at any time, payment on delivery.


In the meanwhile, Barry Weston has been busy:
“Holsworthy” is 90% scratch built, taking about three years to complete, partly owing to covid. This locomotive has a special attraction for Barry as it used to come through Sittingbourne on a regular basis, being shedded at Ramsgate.

This model is shown on our Gallery page.


Eileen's Emporium

Ross remembers that the sad demise of Eileen’s Emporium was mentioned at a meeting of EKOGG lately. In the latest MRJ there are two letters reporting that the stock of the Emporium has been acquired by Cambrian Model Rail at PO Box 85, Greenhithe, Kent DA10 9DN. Tel: 01322 515672 (2pm – 4pm). www.cambrianmodelrail.co.uk


The Barn at Throwley

Ross, our resident photographer, found these pictures, taken 2016, in his archive which show our previous club accommodation and some of the members at that time.  Our current location is rather more comfortable.

The following pictures, from the archives,  show earlier times at the Barn.


Davington Light Railway

Ross gained information from books about the Davington railway leading him to send in these images, the second one being an interpretation board of the old station:


From John Bullimore

Tales from Fostall Sidings

Well, here we are back at base and standard gauge, after an ill-fated dabble with narrow gauge, and also a revolt by the workers and volunteers who were not happy with the outlook. So we have returned to standard gauge, and the full Fostall Sidings set-up, and also building a new station at Davington Road.
All fo the gang are back at work. The Bear brothers, Edward (Ted) and Fred, have taken the lead on loco maintenance, and the usual crew including Dai Larfin are working hard in the carriage and wagon department.

Notable successes are a 4-coach set of close-coupled LBSC four wheelers that have been rebuilt from various grounded bodies and former PMV chassis. Also being rebuilt are an SR plywood van, an ex-SR banana van and an ex-GWR permanent way ballast wagon. More on this next time.
The PW department has been relaying the new station area with bullhead track, and attempting to make a start on the platform walls. Signals & Telegraph have collected a range of signals ready for the time they can erect them, also connecting the points to the ground frame cabin.
Turning now to motive power, we have been lucky to acquire a genuine ex-LNER J94 saddle tank with a high bunker, NO.68017, which will be lettered and numbered in due course. Also acquired is a Sentinel vertical boiler loco that has been liveried as LMS 7160.
A diesel shunter by Lima/Atlas was found at the back of the sidings, but it is causing a problem by not starting, so will need looking at some time (Ted suggested using a large hammer).
That’s kit so far on rebuilding the railway at Fostall and Davington, so hope all is well with our readers and best wishes from all the gangs.

As it has been some months since my last report (9 to be exact), it has been a very busytime. The new station at Davington Fostall Road has had all the track laid and all points and circuits connected up. This new station is a terminus junction, that is it is the main start point for the Faversham and Maidstone Junction Railway, and is also the access station for the line from Fostall Sidings and the main workshops for Motive Power and also Carriage and Wagon departments, plus the S&T and Track groups.
The line from the Sidings also has a platform so that shorter trips can be had for those that wish to take advantage of the all-line tickets. Platforms have been built at Fostall Road and work has started on the station buildings. Already lack of space at Motive Power and the Sidings has resulted in an outstation there, and a steel framed stone-faced north-light single road shed has been erected, and at the moment is home to the diesel shunter and one of the main line locos (J94 etc.). The shed is nearly finished, just the last roof tiles and landscape work to go.
Turning to the loco dept: the pannier tank 8790 has returned to its home turf. It was not a great success here and was not liked by the crews either. In its place, a LBSC Terrier 672 has arrived on long-term loan from the Sussex Terrier Trust. All the other locos have passed their steam tests and are ready for the year ahead. The ex-MSC Hudswell tank has been renumbered from 968 to 68 (more in line with the MSC numbers). The diesel shunter D2852 is now back working again after initial problems, which turned out to be an earth link come loose and did not need Ted’s large hammer.
And so on to Carriage & Wagon. The four LBSC carriages are now complete, have had track tests and are ready to work. Other coaches are still being worked on and will be reported at a later date. An influx of wagons has been delivered, some 18 in total, and again will be reported as they are ready for work or as restoration work is completed.
However, the three brake vans, ex-LNER 278704, ex-LSWR 56041 and Southern pillbox 55995 are in use on various duties, including some brake van specials. There is also a second pillbox van under deep restoration.
That’s all for now. Greetings from the management and staff. Happy modelling!


Hornby O Gauge three rail track free to a good home Roger Taylor near Faversham has a loft layout featuring pre-war and recent Bassett
Lowke, plus Hornby, Lima and other stock converted to three rail running. The Hornby track, including left, right and three-way points, has been replaced by Gargraves track from the US, and free to anyone interested. Contact Roger: chelseacottage@btopenworld.com.


Severnmill Nameplates

Chris Gordon Watford has asked that this note be included in our newsletter:
Please will you point any of your Members who build O gauge locos, towards my website www.severnmillnameplates.co.uk, where they will find a huge range of etched-to-shape loco plates, considered to be of unequalled quality by Lee Marsh and Masterpiece Models among others. Sadly, none of my professional etchers are available any longer.
I saw this coming and stocked up while I could, as I am anxious to satisfy the needs of as many modellers as possible before I am forced to retire (I'm getting quite old now!). As I no longer advertise, it the members may never heard of my Range of plates. Many thanks.


Chairman: Chris Morse
Secretary: David Grimwood
Treasurer: Geoff Roberts
Ordinary members: Ross Shimmon, Roger Harmer, John Bullimore


Photos by: Barry K, Paul W, Roger H, Fred C, Chris M, Ross S, Richard B, Tim S & Rob M

Focus on 0-6-0 tank or tender engines.
Wednesday, October 16th, 2024
10.30 - 2.30
Modelling Competition
Saturday, October 26th, 2024
2.00 - 5.00
Read more
Queen Charlotte Dock exhibited
Saturday, November 2nd, 2024 - Sunday, November 3rd, 2024
10.00 - 5.00
Focus on diesel engines.
Wednesday, November 6th, 2024
10.30 - 2.30

See more in the diary.

Latest News

Interested in joining?

To find out more about visiting a meeting and becoming a member, get in touch.