Summer 2016

July 13th  Wednesday at Badlesmere  –  RM

When the fourteen of us were having lunch around the work table we heard about the Pett Show. Chris and Jim looked after our sales table, allowing Roger to man the GOG stand.  They did a fantastic job for us so we will now be able to send cheques to two families, as well as benefitting the East Sussex group and our own funds.  While “Edington” was in use Ross checked on buffer stops, lampposts and signage.  Somewhere beneath, Paul was testing signals as a change from assembling sections of the new circuit. John B brought his parcels train that included the Siphon, now painted red.  Colin was running his scratch built electro-diesel and earlier a diesel shunter was trundling around. We’d also had David G’s latest chassis on test. David Ha. was soldering a utility van at the work table, with Barry and Chris fettling the Pannier tank in the further along. Meanwhile, David Ho. and John P were approaching each other as they laid track on the old modules from either side of the stage. Another productive and enjoyable day.

July 6th  Wednesday at Badlesmere  –  RM [*More photos, including some from Ross’ collection in our Summer Gallery]

David Hopkins and John P were on the Leas Green when I drove up and by the time we’d opened up the others were pouring in and tea was brewing.  Goodies appeared from Roger’s car: bridges, buildings, and lots of little bits.  Some were sold and the remainder are heading for Pett Show.  Much of unsaleable stuff must now go. Gathered around the work table, etches were checked and a GWR Pannier tank examined.  By the end of the day the loco was repaired enough to run, albeit with the “floating motor”.  A wheel cleaning kit was in use as was the soldering iron.  Old modules were prepared for use.

David G descended on “Edington” to fix the troublesome point.  His tiny S&DJR saddle tank nipped around the layout as people learned the ropes.  Cl. 33 “Eastleigh” grumbled initially, but settled in.  A Hudswell-Clarke was followed by a BR Terrier; first with a newly acquired Siphon and then with a Dogfish.  Over sandwiches, discussion ranged from Sicilian trains to platform visibility on today’s Southern.  We’re still wondering about the best core times for mid-week sessions.  We swiftly stacked away, located errant keys and were off soon after 3 o’clock.  Thanks to John P for organising refreshments plus Jim and all who lent a hand.

July 2nd Saturday at Badlesmere  – RM

By the time the reprobates had legged it over the green, the first comers had the hall open and the kettle on. Soon the core of the layout was up and, after a while, running. Paul was testing a chassis and Ron trying out a Bassett Lowke. Those were joined by Barry’s O2 having its first run at Badlesmere. Dick came in and shewed us a rather nice US logging loco which he’d adapted; modifying the bunker, loading cords of firewood and adding other touches. Stuart assembled a short coal train, unerringly locating it on the troublesome point. Several of us familiarized ourselves with the control panel, and after a few minutes got the correct locos moving. Jim organised our tea breaks, during which there were postcards of Southampton docks to look at and much discussion, not to mention heavy showers outside.  Roger, Chris and Ross were sorting sales boxes and hoping for assistance at the Pett Show. Paul made a little progress on the new baseboards despite frequently aiding others. The afternoon ended with the heavy diesels taking over at Edington, before we all lent a hand in the kitchen and with the clearing of the hall.

Chatham Show  –  June 11th & 12th  –  RM

Once again our and supporters were out with “Edington”, this time running with mainly early BR stock and the dreaded 3 link couplings.  There were many other splendid layouts, some from abroad, and some, like the Sandy River USA 2’gauge Franklin that were happy for you to have a go operating.

June 8th 2016 – Wednesday at Badlesmere  – Ross Shimmon – writing & photos

We are well settled into our new home. It doesn’t take the more able-bodied members to take the Edington Boards from their shelves and onto the trestles.  It’s a treat to be able to erect the whole layout and have space to walk around it.  The main task was a ‘dress rehearsal’ for the Chatham Show at Gillingham on Sat/Sun 11/12 Jun. Two freight trains were run, plus two passenger trains and a railbus. There were a couple of engineering possessions interrupting proceedings and David W assiduously cleaned tracks in between services. John B took charge of one fiddle yard, while Ross and Roger alternated on the other. John P and Roger took turns on the station section. At times Chris acted as the admiring crowd. While all this was going on Paul and David Ho worked on the new ’roundy-roundy’ boards and trestle. Luckily for our ears they did all this outside.

The following engines were spotted: ex-LSWR O2 & G6 and, inevitably these days, several Terriers. Two did not manage a run: SR Q1 and C. John P continues in his role as club caterer, providing tea and coffee at suitable intervals. However, we do miss the convivial lunches at the round table outside the barn.

June 4th 2016 – Saturday session at Badlesmere  – Rob M

As zero hour approached, the diners tumbled out of the Red Lion and Paul’s red car drew up across the green for him to open up for the others.  Once inside, trestles were got out, tables found for test tracks and chairs arranged.  John P, who’d found a carved throne to sit on (!), installed Edington’s chimneys, despite nobody ever having noticed that the station was chimney less.  It took a whole posse of us to check that they were vertical and at the correct height.  David 2 quietly fettled the layout’s electrics.  Some good old baseboards, to be a test track, with clips to join them were aligned by Roger’s crew; as from outside came the sound of Paul machining ply for the new curves.  Rather like picking oakum, a small group checked over old track, removing foam and wires.  So when the Hall’s Chairman dropped in we were all busy.  With mugs of tea under our belts, we turned to running on Edington, where an Ivatt 2-6-2tank proved reluctant and a 4-4-0 shed its bogie.  Meanwhile Terriers began to appear with freight stock and diesels gathered on the back roads.

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Modelling Competition
Saturday, October 26th, 2024
2.00 - 5.00
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Queen Charlotte Dock exhibited
Saturday, November 2nd, 2024 - Sunday, November 3rd, 2024
10.00 - 5.00
Focus on diesel engines.
Wednesday, November 6th, 2024
10.30 - 2.30
Focus on anything not Southern related.
Wednesday, November 20th, 2024
10.30 - 2.30

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