Today we had a loco repair and maintenance workshop where Fred, Sean and others brought in models that needed some attention.
Tim brought in a L&Y Pug that he had picked up cheap at a show. Despite currently being a non-runner and missing part of the cab side, it was solidly built and will not take much to transform into a very nice little model. David Gr dispensed advice on the problems of the various locos that had been brought in and even took two home himself to sort out.
With the circuit set up a number of locos were given a test drive with varying degrees of success and a plethora of small Ruston 48DS 0-4-0 diesels for some reason were seen buzzing round the circuit.
While the loco workshop was in full swing Paul worked on constructing a sand house kit (using the club’s rolling bars to
curve the roof) for his GWR loco maintenance diorama and Bill worked on some of his GWR coaching stock.
Tim took charge of the teas and coffees in David Ho’s absence until we packed up and headed off home. Chris