Annual General Meeting

Charman’s Report: having outlined the key points, attention was drawn to the need to think about the content and aim of the Open Day. The report was received Nem Con (proposed John B, seconded Martin).
Treasurer’s Statement of Accounts: there is sufficient leeway for covering the cost of new layouts. A monthly forecast enables the accounts to be carefully monitored. The Hall Management Committee plans to undertake building work to improve access to the toilets and provide additional storage. EKOGG will have to vacate the building when the work is
undertaken, but there is no starting date at present nor indication of how long it will take. The report was received Nem Con (proposed Roger, seconded Ross).
Annual Subscription rate: it was agreed Nem Con to remain at £30 a year, £5 a meeting (proposed Dave B, seconded Martin).
If you wish to pay your annual subscription by post, please make your cheque out to Geoff Roberts and send it to him at 109 Templeside, Temple Ewell, CT16 3BD. Thank you.
Election of Officers: as all current officers had agreed to stand again, there was no need for an election.
Date of Modelling Competition: 22nd November 2025 agreed.
The meeting closed at 2.40 pm.

There followed a report on the layouts:
Queen Charlotte Dock: It was suggested that QCD be erected in the hall from time to time, otherwise it was seen only at exhibitions. Unfortunately, water ingress had damaged an area of scenery – the cause will be taken up with the Hall Management.
Lenham Junction: David Ho gave a short presentation on the layout and its background, showing how the space in the hall can be configured to allow room for the usual worktable.
It was made clear that the layout is primarily for member’s use in the hall rather than for exhibitions. Most of the members present indicated a willingness to be involved in completing the layout, and David Gr and Roger were tasked with leading the process. The circuit will be erected with the station boards at the next meeting to demonstrate the use of the space in the hall. The afternoon ended with a Bring and Buy which saw some brisk trading.
Thanks go to David Ho for keeping us well supplied throughout with tea and coffee.

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Wednesday, March 5th, 2025
10.30 - 2.30
Focus on 4 wheeled passenger vehicles.
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Practical sharing session on modelling wagon loads and tarpaulins.
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2.00 - 5.00
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10.30 - 2.30

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