Loco building seminar

Those present may remember that I laid out the frames for a Gibson 0 6 0 chassis as a starting point for building a loco kit. Having opened the box, and talked about it, I thought I should finish the kit . So here it is awaiting some final details , couplings and weathering. The kit design was quite old, and used quite thick brass, which required some
perseverance with soldering. I hope to bring it along for a test run in January.

David G

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Focus on post 1960’s freight
Saturday, July 27th, 2024
2.00 - 5.00
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Focus on 4-coupled locos: 4-4-0, 0-4-4, 2-4-0 etc.
Wednesday, August 7th, 2024
10.30 - 2.30
Focus on Southern-related stock
Wednesday, August 21st, 2024
10.30 - 2.30
Bring along your building/altering/improving projects to share and work on together.
Saturday, August 24th, 2024
2.00 - 5.00
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