New Year 2016 & Autumn 2015

AGM  February 13th

Two dozen of us and visitors piled into the Fleur hall for our AGM.  (A dozen had joined for lunch earlier.)  Our searching out a new home for our test track was the hot topic.  Although we have some possibilities lined up, members are continuing to look around, with Paul Weeden and Ross Shimmon helping to co-ordinate this.

Wanted: a space 30’ x 17’ or thereabouts, preferably in the vicinity of Faversham.

We had a smaller display of models than usual, perhaps because many were on the exhibition layout.  Still there was plenty of interest with the winning entries being: Colin Smith’s Rye & Camber station, Mike Perry’s LMS 0-8-0, and David Grimwood’s S&DJR carriage and brake van.  We also had three tables of sales items for our Bring & Buy.

February 2016

After a successful and enjoyable year we have a new challenge – leaving The Barn and finding a home for our layouts, but I reckon we’ll cope.

I’m sure we would all like to thank Alastair for the great times we’ve had over the last dozen years; picnicking in his garden, hammering in his workshop and modelling.

Rob Moody, Chairman EKOGG

The year’s programme will continue as planned until Autumn, by which time we hope to have a home for our layouts in addition to our Faversham monthly meeting place in the Fleur Hall.

January 2nd / 3rd –  Our layout operating at Edington in Somerset, its home location!

December 12th  –  Christmas Gathering  –  RM

Amongst the twenty-two gathered for the Christmas quiz we were glad to see Ron Steward, Stan Clark and Joe Spinks.   Geoff set the questions; John Bullimore, Roger and myself vying for the honours.  As we munched mince pies we wondered how to celebrate “EK0GG’s 30th” in 2016” ….

December 2nd  –  Show Preparation  –  RM

I joined one of the sessions, led by David G, for developing a timetable of moves for the next show; siding capacity and fiddle yard working coming to the fore.  One sector table needed 15mm shaved from a corner to better align the storage tracks.  It was accomplished with an enormous saw and everyone holding the offending board.  We became familiar with the sequence of switching controls and keeping the traffic moving.  All members are asked to “learn the ropes” for operating.  [More photos in our gallery.]

November 14th   –   Faversham Meeting   –   RM [photo Ross]

Brian, from the Faversham MRC, was able to join a mass of us for lunch before we helped bring over tool boxes to the Fleur Hall, ready for his informative session on soldering.  Soon a selection of irons and equipment were spread on the tables with us gathered around.  Brian explained what was available to use and demonstrating soldering wires to rails.  He stressed having an iron with enough power to cope with the heat loss and how to tin both wire and surface before soldering together.  We were admonished never to take a file to a modern soldering bit and to keep the tool clean with wipes on the damp sponge.  Then it was time to ask questions and “have a go”.  John P and Jackie soon had refreshments on the tables as we milled around exchanging information, before Paul, John B and Colin S led the cleaning up team.

November 7th  –  Layout Season Finale

Terriers had started appearing on the line when Stuart arrived; his Thames on local PO waggons soon joined by Jim’s SR version for parallel running and double heading.  The eleven of us who’d emerged from the wind and rain, agreed that the G0G Gazette had done our group proud with their colourful article.  Edington was titivated and checked in readiness for transporting; boards being placed face to face and the endplates to be bolted on.  Wiring tucked in, these crates were manhandled down to the waiting cars to be packed in with all the paraphernalia needed for its visit to Somerset.  We could now see the completed new surface for the floor and were quickly out with brooms.  Peter climbed up in time for tea; his first trip through the lanes verging on traumatic.    My Susie-Q diesel, with a few boxcars, had started the running next to Colin S’s 2BIL, his first 0 gauge piece made some years back, before Barry’s M7 went skimming round the circuit.    “Nailbourne Timber”, made by Colin S, was added adjacent to the yard of the terminus.    Then the power failed for a second time, a rural problem, and, covers on, we called it a day.

October 10th  –  Faversham Saturday Meeting

Exploring the far reaches of Scotland’s railways was featured in our films. Fifteen of us turned up at the Fleur Hall; eight of us including Mike S having lunched in The Vaults. It was good to see Joe B, who hasn’t been well for a while; and Peter V, up from the White Cliffs. John P’s expanding refreshment team were thanked for their efforts. Jim had been out to the loft and has screwed down the last of the new floor covering. (He was wondering about stock-unloading and new shelving.) After chatting we watched 1950s film of heavy haulage, followed by a study of York Station.

October 3rd – Saturday at the layouts

Out of the fog we gathered, but the sun broke through, so it was outside for lunch.  The afternoon felt balmy, partly accounting for the time we chatted over tea.  Sage green paint along Edington’s facia still needed a wet paint notice when members swarmed in.  Signal work began straight off and, after a quick tidy up, an awkward point and new vegetation were dealt with.  Beneath the sink a new stop cock was fitted, which entailed tictac men conveying messages to our president who was down a hole controlling the mains.  Floor panels were being fitted at the stairhead.  A Lord Nelson was tested on the circuits, finding a gap in the procession of LMS trains.  With space to work, the leapt into action to lay in the loco yard, and succeeded in running a huge SR electric.

Back at base camp Jim May soon had us positioning our improved floor.  Edington was erected on this smooth surface for the fault fixers to get to work.  Maurice was cutting back ivy from our walls, Stuart rolling up old carpet for a tip trip, and John P collecting rubbish sacks. (I got the bin washing job.)  Although Roger had just missed becoming G0G Chairman, he did not escape Scot free as he is to act as Area Rep. down here in the SE. With a record fifteen present, we almost ran out of mugs when we went out to the garden for tea.  RM

By the close of Wednesday’s meeting the majority of our exhibition layout’s difficulties had been ironed out.  We’d taken a relaxed outside lunch, with a willow warbler bathing in the gutters above.  Paul was planning powered signals, Colin touching-up paint, John adding scenic details and David Ha. doing something tiny and complicated.  Locos from Jim, David G and Roger were shuttling around Edington with confidence.  Beneath our feet smooth flooring spread towards the stair head.  Geoff and his wife briefly dropped by while my UP Consolidation – a delivery from Telford- circled the loft with a combine.  RM

12th September 2015 – Edington Junction’s first public showing! [ Ross and Ron’s photos of the day are in our gallery section. ]

David Grimwood – On 12thSeptember, with careful planning and a lot of hard work on Friday, the layout arrived at the Bysing Wood Community Centre, and was set up and looked great. Unfortunately, a short circuit had paralyzed most of the layout. Fast and furious work by David Hopkins resolved most of the problems, just in time for the opening. We were able to run trains all day, quite an achievement bearing in mind the limited time for testing. The layout did look superb, and visitors admired the care taken with the details and buildings – a tribute to all who have contributed in so many different ways over the last year or so. Lots of EK0GG members came along to see and support, which the operators appreciated immensely. Despite the layout’s gremlins, we received provisional invitations to no fewer than four shows over the next year!

David Hopkins – I hope you have recovered if you were operating Edington at the Faversham show, an enjoyable day although stressful at times, especially with ‘shorts’, the show opening in 5 minutes and unable to run anything. We managed to isolate and fix one line. The other short (still to be investigated) I think is caused by failure of point motor contacts, or touching wires. We also had an operating rod snap off another point, which meant we were unable to use one line through the station. The gauging was slightly out to one of the points, there were a few dips and humps, plus one fiddle yard seemed to tighten up during the day. But there were a lot of plusses, I heard comments about how good scenery was, praise for the station building, signals and signalbox, and I saw fellow members having a good day. Seeing Edington has been constructed so quickly, normally it would take 3 years or longer to construct a layout of this size, I think we can all feel proud of ourselves, even with the minor hic-cups. Thank you everyone, even the members who just came to visit us at the show.

September 2nd  –  Layout development  –  RM

From sector plate to sector plate a procession of trains tried out the exhibition layout, with Paul noting any glitches as they passed.  This afternoon Edington’s team were learning the controls, after a swift demonstration from David Ho.  John, with everyone organised, led us to fill kettles and jugs with water, the taps having finally given up.  Roger was primping wires, and Ross and David Ha enhancing the scenic.  Colin kept a weather eye open as the last baseboards were manhandled downstairs. Geoff, with a box of carriages, joined us for lunch in the garden.  Bereft of Edington, the loft looked quite empty as a SR Terrier took to the circuit.  We planned the floor’s re-surfacing after our previous strengthening work.  After tea in the garden, beneath a swirl of housemartins, it was back on the tracks.  Locos ranged from a tiny DM to a Class 47!  A BR Terrier and O2 found a couple of tight point blades and checked train lengths.  Quite a day!

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Focus on 4 wheeled passenger vehicles.
Wednesday, March 19th, 2025
10.30 - 2.30
Practical sharing session on modelling wagon loads and tarpaulins.
Saturday, March 22nd, 2025
2.00 - 5.00
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Focus on Green engines
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10.30 - 2.30
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10.30 - 2.30

See more in the diary.

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