‘Sarre’ at Beckenham

The Beckenham club had invited Sarre to their show in 2019 but, for reasons we all know, it could not go ahead.  Nor was there a show last year but this year …  Chris M, David Ho, John B and Roger arrived bright and early to set-up, each having brought various bits in their cars. Thanks to practice at Badlesmere, the team put everything together quickly and without problems until it was time to add the controllers.  One of us had left the Sarre box at home.  Fortunately, it was one of us who lives closer to the show and so was able to rush home, collect the box and return in time for the layout to be tested before the show opened.  The others had, meanwhile, laid out the stock, loaded the cassettes and located the free coffee room.

The day itself went well, locos and stock behaving with only an occasional struggle with the couplings.  Paul H was also there with the Gauge O Guild stand, but in another room.  We did visit from time to time…  Other O gauge was Newchapel Junction; a vintage tinplate display, and St Mary’s, a 0-16.5 narrow gauge terminus.  There were few traders, but a couple had some O gauge items as did the Beckenham club’s shop.  All in all, an enjoyable outing if somewhat tiring, but – I’ve just realised, none of us took any photos to go with this report.

Roger Harmer

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