‘Sarre’ operating at Wednesday’s meeting

‘Sarre’ was being unpacked from its crates for operating, after its appearance at the Beckenham Show, where it performed well. John B, Chris M and David Ho. joined with Roger there and said it had gone pretty well, although visitors were down on previous years. Paul H was there with his diorama and GOG display, but was in another hall. They were impressed by a couple of layouts they seen which used info. screens. These could show the audience what movements were in progress as they operated. Investigations are afoot for us to have a similar system, featuring it being driven by a ‘Raspberry Pie’, ultra mini-computer.

Bill was adding detail to his GWR 43xx Mogul, while Roger had a heap of parts to sort through that looked like a GWR Syphon H, or two. Fred, who’d brought a GWR B-set and Pannier ( plus Terrier and rake of 4 wheelers ) was aiding. As usual, a selection of magazines and books were available for reading, taking or purchase. Tim organised our drinks today, as well as working on paint schemes for his latest n-g loco. By the front of the stage were the new baseboards, where Paul H, Barry K and David G were being very busy sticking the underlay sheets down. Metal craft knives, rulers and impressive rollers were in evidence; as was anything they could lay hands on for weights.

Sarre, now unpacked, and put out for running had a fair number of takers. Ross had a splendid train of aged light railway stock operating, seemingly drawn from every corner of Col. Stephens’ domain. Chris M, whose P.O. Margate Sands wagons were in use, kept an eye on the layout; he and John B curing electrical contact hitches on a point blade. “Elizabeth”, my scarlet saddle-tank, pottered around with a milk tanker and whatever else she could find. John B’s Austerity tank waited in a siding for its turn.

Rob M

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