In a change to the advertised programme occasioned by Ross’ absence on family duties Fred stepped in to the breach and gave his talk on painting coaches with two coloured liveries and on weathering stock in general.
Fred started by saying that with metal coaches he starts with a coat of Halfords etch primer and follows that with coat or two of Tamiya white primer. This then gives a good base for the lighter topcoat colour which he then sprays over the whole of the coach side.
Once happy with the finish of that Fred then masks the area to be left in the lighter colour with Tamiya (brown not green) masking tape (other tapes are too aggressive and tend to pull the masked colour off) before spraying on the darker colour. Fred likes to leave up to 48 hours between coats to allow the paint to harden off properly.
After completion of the painting Fred then applies HMRS lining and other transfers before fitting door handles and any other bits and pieces. Finally, a satin finish varnish is sprayed on to seal everything in.
On turning to airbrushing Fred said that there is no need to spend a lot of money on expensive equipment as quite acceptable results can be obtained from airbrush systems for less than £30. Fred finds that gravity fed systems work best and whichever system is used cleanliness is of the utmost importance to avoid clogging up the works. This is best achieved by a spray through with water and then with airbrush cleaner after every spraying session.
Fred brought in a number of models he had weathered and went on to give a demonstration on the use of the airbrush. Fred’s philosophy is that everybody will over time develop their own methods of working and the best approach is to jump in and find out from experience what works best for you.
As always David Ho kept us all supplied with teas and coffees until we set off for home. Chris