Saturday 25 February 2023 AGM

a) The Chairman (Chris) opened the meeting by running through his annual report.
Received: prop. Jackie, sec. Roger, all in favour.
b) The Treasurer (Geoff) presented the accounts, pointing out that the Mangapps trip, insurance and bank charges were new costs. Following a question about a 2023 business plan, he noted expenditure on a new layout and a trip, and his plans to discuss with HSBC moving EKOGG transactions from the current business account to the group’s charity deposit account.
We have been informed that the hall electricity costs have risen, and that there are plans for EKOGG to have sole use of the store room (shortly to have a completely new roof) in exchange for a rental cost.
Geoff gave notice of handing over the role in 2023. Tim offered to take over. Received: prop. Roger, sec. John M.
c) The subscription rate for 2023 was confirmed at ÂŁ10, the meeting rate at ÂŁ3. Prop. Fred, sec. Ross.
The rate for 2024 was also agreed – ÂŁ10 annual subscription, ÂŁ5 per meeting (to cover increased rent): prop. Ross sec. David L.

d) No further nominations were received, so all officers were re-elected. All in favour.
e) Members were happy with the rule revisions: prop. John D, sec. David B. All in favour.
f) The date set for the Modelling Competition is Saturday 28 th October. 2023.

g) AOB:
Rob proposed using one Saturday per quarter as a running day, which was accepted.
Rob noted that the EKOGG entry on the GOG website was out of date – Barry K will investigate and amend.
The formal meeting closed at 2.43 p.m.
Following items:
a) The three remaining trophies were auctioned:
US Railcar for ÂŁ95; the Spinner locomotive for ÂŁ150; the bogie postal van for ÂŁ40.
Two sealed bids were received for the sale of Sarre, the successful being ÂŁ101.
b) Future layout: The Chairman read a proposal from John B, but all of the concerns raised (such as storage) have been resolved.
The Chairman proposed criteria for a new project:

  • Built to exhibition standard
  • Operator and viewer interest
  • Avoid gimmicks
  • Of interest to all members
  • Based on a real or might-have-been setting.
    Points raised in the discussion included: move away from the country station, perhaps to an industrial site, needs movement and activity, different levels/gradients (open frame design would enable that), dependent on members’ stock, appeal to exhibition managers looking for something different, focus on buildings or scenic features that can be generic rather than tied to a particular period or railway company.
    The Chairman invited members to offer their own views on what we want to do in writing by the end of March. Overall size to be limited to 15 feet long by 2 feet six wide.
    The committee will then put together a proposal, including a plan for completing it. Current layouts:

Once Lenham is completed, the long-term future for Edington needs to be considered.

  • Lenham will include a 15 feet section opposite Lenham station for a fiddle yard.
  • The micro layout will be ready for the July Open Day
    Exhibitions – invitations will be welcome and considered in the light of the availability and energy of potential operators.
    c) Trips: Geoff offered to look into a visit to the K&ESR for a trip behind the Bulleid Pacific and a tour of the workshops (perhaps even a high tea).
    Elvington boiler works was also suggested for a trip.

d) A question was raised about holding more Saturday meetings, although it was noted that attendance has been lower than on Wednesdays.
It was agreed to hold a members’ sales day one Saturday before the Pett Show in July.

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Focus on Sentinel Locomotives
Wednesday, February 5th, 2025
10.30 - 2.30
Focus on the unusual, bizarre and unexpected
Wednesday, February 19th, 2025
10.30 - 2.30
Saturday, February 22nd, 2025
2.00 - 5.00
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Focus on non-UK stock.
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10.30 - 2.30

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