Saturday 30th November 2024

Heritage line stock was our loosely observed theme today at Badlesmere. Among those taking part were John B with his terrier “Fenchurch” pulling two coaches and Tim with his Jinty and the very nicely weathered Third Class bogie coach he has recently acquired.
Later Tim also ran his pannier tank in London Transport livery.
Bill brought in the two GWR clerestory coaches that he acquired at Guildford and also his other recent purchase a GWR Class 517 0-4-2 tank. This last is a beautiful looking model but unfortunately it is currently a poor runner and had trouble staying on the track. This may be due to the fact that the Modelu driver is having a cup of tea and not paying attention to actually driving the engine. Whatever the problem is I’m sure Bill will soon get to the bottom of it and have the loco running round the circuit. Finally, I had my SECR H Class running round pulling some of Geoff’s vans.

Roger brought in two table loads of the kits and bits that he has been asked to help dispose of to see if there was any interest amongst members. There were a number of half started kits none of which seemed to have their full complement of parts and a large number of parts that didn’t seem to relate to any of the kits.
Nearly everything seemed to be LNWR related and must have cost a lot of money when purchased. This was sad as it is difficult to see that there would be any value in any of it now to anyone.
Tim took charge of the teas and coffees in David Ho’s absence until we packed up and headed off home. Chris

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