Summer 2017

Loco line up August 16th & SR 10201 on the 19th

Friends Open Day – Saturday July 15th – Badlesmere
(Photos: Ian Earl, Ross S & RM)

We raised our glasses to “EKOGG and Friendly Modelling” then welcomed our visitors. As well as 21 of us, we had some 39 people drop by; family, people from the village and modellers from Kentish groups.

We’d slotted four displays into the hall by curving The Circuit beneath Edington’s fiddle yard and lapping its end onto the stage below the Tinplate layout. Sarre was being worked on just inside the entrance, from where sales tables flowed into the outside world. David Ha.’s soldering display perched by running lines, opposite a display of static stock, and Colin C’s warehouse construction found a table by the kitchen entrance.

Way before other visitors, John J. turned up off night shift and was quickly enlisted to help us setting up. Later we also gained Brian M. and Tim. Many visitors stayed for several hours, chatting and joining in. Paul kept a varied selection of trains running on The Circuit, including Dick’s 2-6-6-2 saddle back loco from the USA, so that everyone saw their models moving.

Edington glowed with colour and, during Stuart and Alan K.’s tenure, hosted a K&ESR Terrier, a GWR 2-8-0t and a Minnesota & St Louis diesel, that squeezed past the platform and signal cabin. While explaining track construction, Sarre’s operators shuttled short trains across the points. Above all, on the stage, Colin S. and John B. entertained children and adults alike with a wealth of tinplate, buildings and accessories; accompanied by the rattle of electric and clockwork trains.

A great “Thank You” to all our members for making it so convivial, especially those who came early to set-up, the many who assisted in the kitchen and the large team who managed the clearing away. Rob M

Mike Scott – We heard of Mike’s death after various health problems over the last years. Very knowledgeable about railways and interested in scratch building, Mike recalled visiting the layouts of Jack Ray and contemporaries. Despite failing sight he had continued attending all our town meetings and joined us for a meal whenever possible. A long term member of EKOGG, he had been treasurer at the time of our expansion into The Barn. He will be much missed.

Saturday 19th August 2017 – Badlesmere

Small locos had been the order of the day until Colin S put enormous Southern Railway diesel on the through roads. 10201 is scratch built and is having a few problems with its lengthy wheelbase. We’d set up tables as Geoff made teas, before Joe S. and Alan breezed in, swiftly followed by John B. We settled on using Edington with John J help with boards and Colin to uncoil wires. David Hopkins heaved old trestles onto the new shelving. David G and Joe were soon discussing their carriages at the modelling table amongst other building projects. Sarre was being worked on at the next table. Some members had picnicked in the hall, while others arrived after lunching in the Red Lion.

Wednesday 16th August 2017 – Badlesmere

After John J had replaced a plug, we were in business on Edington with an increasing number of locos appearing. A smell of hot solder indicated that connections were being repaired too. Running trains around John B, who was sprucing up the scenic, Allen, John J. and Tim got an idea of how the controls functioned. Unfortunately, the excitement did cause repairs to be needed to the loading gauge, but that was soon mended. In the store, our new shelves were taking shape. Edwardian carriages were looking very good at the rolling stock end of the long table. Lineside buildings were rising at the other end. With fourteen of us, and trays of doughnuts, it was becoming cosy at lunchtime.

Roger subtly filled a siding on Edington with motive power, then left the afternoon operators to release them. Light railway saddle tanks rubbed buffers, with a small diesel, a tiny S&DJR shunter and the notorious Jinty. (I feared for the buffer stops.) Brecon and Barry vans were joined by more wagons and the Folkestone Harbour branch brake van. An enjoyable day.

Wednesday 19th July 2017 – Badlesmere

It was a construction day with two Davids fettling tiny pieces on brass models of a panelled carriage and some vans. Another David was looking at electrics on Sarre, where the station building was being renovated. Over on The Circuit, a slight hump in the track was being ironed out. Everyone had thoroughly enjoyed our Open Day; some asking when we’d do it again.

Wednesday 5th July 2017 – Badlesmere
(Jim M and Colin S are pictured with Ross’ loco)

Coach sides and beer van continued to be in production when we gathered. That seems to go hand in hand with the consumption of doughnuts at three tea breaks for fourteen people. John B and Colin S were talking over which tinplate models they wish to run on the stage and how to use the space; some clockwork and some electric. Ross opened a large box to reveal a SR mogul that had gained a bit of dust over the years. Soon several sections of the Circuit were carefully positioned and power applied, whereupon the loco creaked into life for its first run with Allen acting as buffer stop at the board’s end. Ross also tried running a Leeds Model Co. tank loco, but the insulation between wheels and body was in a parlous state. Sarre was out with everyone peering at point motors, which are due for connection after our Open Day. Later John B supervised its storage, keeping those fittings free from knocks. A warm and enjoyable gathering.

Our new Circuit is running thanks to the efforts of Paul, Barry and their team.

Wednesday June 21st 2017 – Badlesmere

A red letter day! Paul Weeden and Barry Weston fitted the final connections, applied power and were clapped by everyone as the first loco ran around the Circuit. That marathon of soldering was over. Now we were back in business. John Bullimore’s 08 and Jim May’s Sentinel opening the running. Well done to Paul and Barry, plus all who’ve aided this project.

That wasn’t the only happening by far, with lots of models being made at the long tables and around the hall. That’s when we weren’t eating David Ha’s doughnuts. Colin C added to warehouse models and progress was being made on Sarre. Over lunch, we agreed that we like the printed version of the Guild News with its easily accessible insights into how other groups operate and happenings in gauge O.

As usual everybody helped with making refreshments, clearing the layouts and tidying the hall. A very enjoyable day.

Saturday June 17th 2017 – EKOGG at Badlesmere

We took our first break for drinks on the lawn, well grass, outside the hall while the breeze cooled the interior. High summer had arrived. John P set the tasks for Sarre’s and David Ha. did the under platform work. Jim placed his new Sentinel loco upon the tracks. Colin C compared warehouse fronts with John B. Stewart brought in a carriage and a lowmac that he is constructing.

Wednesday June 7th 2017 – EKOGG at Badlesmere

South Western enthusiasts had a treat when Brian opened the box he was cradling to reveal an A12 Jubilee. Cunningly the crew and footplate detail had been assembled separately then could be slid into place. The next treat came with David Hayes and Ross in the shape of multiple bags of doughnuts, which they kindly distributed. Good things come in threes, so later the door swung back and a windmill entered with Geoff close behind. That is destined for Sarre, being based on the one at the village – Thanks Geoff. Roger had been flying the flag for O gauge at Chatham, so mid-session Dean, who has a garden line,called in to see what happens at our meetings. Over on Sarre, David Hopkins was trying out the cassette while Ross made space for it in the track bed. Paul, revitalised by the Austrian Achenseebahn, was soldering on the Circuit alongside Barry, once we’d located some essential connecting strips. Over on the modelling table, it was chips with lunch as Chris and Allen carefully cut wires to enable DCC. Jim was organising refreshments and showing his purchases from a charity shop’s cache of railway books. Lineside buildings were being constructed by John B, while David Ha was happily working on beer wagons. Having seen his model of a Ford Railmotor in their museum, the K&ESR have got themselves a full size one delivered: picture by Ross Shimmon.

Wednesday May 17th 2017 – EKOGG at Badlesmere

We had a full complement of Johns, Davids and Colins today, not to mention more than a smattering of others. Modellers included: Colin C adding coffee stirrers to the tall front of a warehouse; John B assembling a ground frame cabin; Jackie painting a shelter; and Roger building a rake of substantial mineral wagons. Barry continued his soldering marathon for The Circuit by one window and David G nipped into the next patch of sunlight, for working on a carriage kit. We have another module available for Sarre. Using it would allow the rear third for fiddle yard, let the sidings gain 18” length and give room for scenics including a windmill, modelled on the real Sarre. Watch this space… Further along, John P was directing his gang to install the platform. Before long, Colin S and Ross were shaping the platform surface for the station building. Thinking about our Open Day*, John B measured the stage where he plans to have a couple of circuits of tinplate. Another interesting day.

Saturday May 13th 2017 – EKOGG at Badlesmere

A beautiful day brought a select group of modellers to Badlesmere. Barry was ready and waiting when I drove along the track. John B followed us in and with three sets of hands we set out some tables. The kettle had boiled when the milk arrived with David Ho; the other members slowly appearing from The Red Lion. Paul and Barry settled down for a long wiring session with sections of The Circuit, Stuart joined Roger in sorting some sales items and David looked at wires on Sarre. John and I worked on own project buildings. John organised tea and Roger produced chocolate biscuits. After catching up with gossip and news from the Reading Larger Scales Show we turned our minds to our July “At Home”.

Ron Steward – We were sad to learn that Ron Steward had died in April. The group’s “doctor”, he had been an early member of the group from “Loco Bodger” days, then was much involved in building our fixed circuit at the Barn, and latterly took an active part in constructing Edington Junction. He was particularly interested in and entertaining about the Great Eastern lines in East Anglia where his father had been a driver. Despite becoming increasingly unwell, during the last year, he joined us at Badlesmere running sessions whenever he could.

Photos: Foxcote Manor by Ross Shimmon & RM

It was rainy and dull, but we were busy inside the hall. Barry had embarked upon a marathon soldering session on The Circuit, dealing with curved end sections. Chris and Allen were deep in discussion about how their DCC home layouts were developing when Geoff dropped by with a couple of surplus signal cabins. Further along the table Jim and Roger examined drawings of Kentish timber warehouses prior to lunch.

We’d decided to have Edington Junction, in its entirety, out for testing prior to public showings, so it was all hands to lugging around trestles, baseboards and fittings. We even had the lighting set up – just as well with cleaning and minor repairs to deal with. Annoyingly, one of the fiddle yards had decided to warp so David Ho. moved a holding bolt and we found a large sprung clip to coax it back a bit. Deprived of Sarre for the day, John P, and John B joined us to shuttle wagons and coaches about – great fun as David G’s coaches now have magnetic couplings. We asked if it made them easier to join with the little Brio ones. With a third tea break over, Chris and Ross, wielding soldering iron and UV glue, dealt with a missing inch of rail.

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Focus on 4 wheeled passenger vehicles.
Wednesday, March 19th, 2025
10.30 - 2.30
Practical sharing session on modelling wagon loads and tarpaulins.
Saturday, March 22nd, 2025
2.00 - 5.00
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Focus on Green engines
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10.30 - 2.30
Focus on Great Western/Western Region.
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10.30 - 2.30

See more in the diary.

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