Wednesday 15 May 2024

The circuit was quickly set up with today’s focus being on tender engines. Very soon both tracks were fully occupied with trains running round and others waiting for their turn. The predominant motive power was steam with the recent spate of diesels having abated.
John D ran a green 4-4-0 tender loco of unknown provenance with people trying to guess its origins. The general consensus seemed to be that it was a Scottish or North British loco, but nobody really knew so it remained a mystery. While this guessing game was going on John B ran his SECR terrier with a short train including the two coaches he had
recently built from cardboard kits. John has two more kits to build and is thinking of photocopying them and then fixing the photocopies to Plasticard to build yet two more.

David Gr brought in four Darstaedt coaches which he then ran hauled firstly by an LMS Crab 2-6-0 and later by an LMS 2P 4-4-0. Both iterations made a very fine train although the red taillight on the rear (and front) of the coaches was a little bit fierce. After these two locos were taken off several other locos took their turn in pulling David’s coaches around
the circuit not least being John D’s Britannia 70014 “Iron Duke”.
Later still Bill ran his GWR 4300 Class 2-6-0 pulling a short goods train including a nicely weathered Siphon van and Tim ran his lime green brewery tank engine and Rob paid homage to our friends across the pond with his Southern Pacific bogie tender loco and freight train. Elsewhere Bill carried on working on the QCD dockside and Tim continued finishing off the
warehouse building. Roger brought in an SECR van he was painting to compare the colour to that on one of my SECR coaches. After discussion and comparing both of them outside in the daylight the decision was that once matt varnished and the current gloss finish toned down Roger’s van would be about right.
The hardest job of the day however was undertaken by Barry who investigated faults on three (!) of my DCC locos. Finding and sorting out the problems (two failed wiring connections) on my R1 took well over an hour and required eyes like a hawk and no little technical wizardry. The other two locos were not so difficult but still well beyond my capabilities so my thanks to Barry.

As usual I ran through the forthcoming programme of meetings and reported that we have been asked about exhibiting QCD at the Alexandra Palace show either in 2025 or in 2026.
In theory we are keen to do this, but it will require a good deal of thought before we finally accept the invitation as it will be a big commitment for the club.
Susan Earl from the Hall Management popped in and gave us an update on the ongoing works and explained that they have now applied for charitable status for the hall. A decision has yet to be made as to whether the stage will be fully reinstated, but the currently reduced size certainly gives users more space. As ever David Ho (assisted by Rob and others) provided us with teas and coffees and eventually we packed everything away and headed off into the sunshine and home. Chris

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Saturday, February 22nd, 2025
2.00 - 5.00
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Focus on non-UK stock.
Wednesday, March 5th, 2025
10.30 - 2.30
Focus on 4 wheeled passenger vehicles.
Wednesday, March 19th, 2025
10.30 - 2.30
Practical sharing session on modelling wagon loads and tarpaulins.
Saturday, March 22nd, 2025
2.00 - 5.00
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See more in the diary.

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