Wednesday 19 July 2023

Today we focussed on getting everything ready for our Open Day this coming Saturday.
Edington was set up and while David G populated the layout with his stock and tested its
smooth running, Paul W and Barry beavered away checking the electrics.
August 2023

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David Ho got the micro-layout out and worked on the connection with the traverser and relative track levels to ensure smooth running between the two. I brought in the new baseboards for Queen Charlotte Dock and some of these and the baseboards for Lenham our other new layout under construction were put out for display along with various words
and pictures explaining what we have done and what we trying to achieve with them.
Over lunch we ran through the various arrangements for Open Day and the various jobs everybody has so that hopefully we will all know what we are supposed to be doing and will all have a good day.
Geoff reported on the East Sussex O Gauge Group Open Day at Pett on 15th July where we had had a sales stand as in previous years. Only 52 people attended on the day and consequently the opportunity to make meaningful sales was extremely limited. It was agreed that we would have to think very carefully in future about whether we wish to
continue to support this event. Another factor is that in recent years we have not had the volume of O gauge stock donated to us that we have had in the past and that therefore we have less to sell for our funds.
Following our last meeting the OO layout recently donated to us was sold to a father who had bought it for his railway mad son thereby hopefully cementing his son’s interest in our hobby.
Later after discussion concerning what fitted where around the various layouts we set up the sales table, the demonstration tables and the display stand before leaving everything in place for Saturday’s jamboree. Chris

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