Wednesday 19 June 2024

Today was Tank Engine day on the circuit and an incredible number of them were brought along to Badlesmere. Fred probably won first prize for the most locos as he had a good half dozen or more including an LMS Fairburn Tank which trundled quite nicely around the circuit.
Amongst the other tank engines seen on the circuit were the usual contingent of Terriers and Panniers but also Graham’s ex-LNER S1 tank 69902. This heavyweight 0-8-4 Wath Banker certainly had presence as it ambled round the circuit in its heavily weathered BR livery. Later Martin switched one line over to DCC and had three engines running round on
it at the same time.
In Ross’s absence John D did sterling work as our photographer of the day capturing most if not all of the assembled tank engines. (Unfortunately, he did not send any to the Editor!). Barry to the rescue…

There was plenty of modelling activity taking place on the big table with John B, Jack F, Paul H and Steve all beavering away at different projects. Jack F was working on his ACME Barclay loco kit which he brought in on his nifty work tray and Paul H carried on working on his mogul having now discovered the secret of removing the chassis from the body (screws in unexpected places apparently).
Over lunch I went through the final arrangements for Open Day which by the time you read this will have been and gone.
David Ho having returned from his sick bed carried out some maintenance work on the circuit and as usual kept us all supplied with teas and coffees. Chris

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Focus on the unusual, bizarre and unexpected
Wednesday, February 19th, 2025
10.30 - 2.30
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2.00 - 5.00
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10.30 - 2.30
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10.30 - 2.30

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