Wednesday 19th January

Our first meeting of 2022 encouraged members to bring along bogie diesel locos, so we saw Geoff’s No.10,000, David Ho’s Class 33, Roger’s Class 60 and 33, David G’s Class 24, kicked off by the fine sight of Paul W’s Class 47 and four red & cream coaches.

Roger’s Class 47 succeeded in overheating the controller, but Steve managed to run his Class 15 and an unusual Hudswell Clark diesel shunter, while Fred brought his Heljan railcar in chocolate and cream.

Christmas presents on show included John D’s very clean Bachmann J94 and David G’s MOK Bulleid Q1 0-6-0 kit.

We were all sustained by David’s plying us with tea and coffee – thank you.

The circuit has suffered from some over-zealous handling, resulting in some broken din plugs and sockets.

Care needs to be taken when assembling the circuit too – the first step is to connect the inside bolts, leaving the outside clips until all the boards are set up.

In order to allow Paul and Barry repair the sockets, the circuit will not be available on 2nd Feb while it is repaired, and Sarre will be substituted, so running can take place.

David G

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2.00 - 5.00
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2.00 - 5.00
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