On the circuit today our theme was 4 wheel coaches which was initially represented by various rakes of Dapol coaches run by Sean, Fred and others. Later David Gr ran a very fine train of five S&DJR coaches and later still I ran my SECR H Class pulling three cheap and cheerful 4 wheel coaches made from 422 Modelmaking parts and odd bits and pieces.
Ross ran his ex LSWR Royal Saloon coach and a Dapol 3rd Class Brake pulled by his Manning Wardle 0-6-0ST and Fred ran his K&ESR Ford rail motor. Moving away from the theme of the day Graham ran his LNER 0-6-0ST, Rob ran his SR
B4 0-4-0T with Mr Tickle’s coal wagon and Fred ran his SR Terrier. Elsewhere the usual comings and goings ensued on the big table while Paul set up on a table on his own as he needed the room to work on the finishing touches to his magnificent GWR coaling stage diorama.
Over lunch Geoff asked if we could have another Bring & Buy session following on from the successful one we had after the AGM. This was a very popular suggestion, and we agreed to hold a Bring & Buy at our Saturday meeting in June.
Ross pointed out that next year sees the 40th anniversary of our highly esteemed club and asked whether we shouldn’t
mark the occasion in some way.
Everybody thought that we definitely should do something, and a number of suggestions were put forward. These and
any other suggestions from members will be considered by the Committee before a final decision is made. So let us have any ideas and we’ll see what gets the most support.
It was also pointed out that this year sees the 200th Anniversary of Railways and suggested that we should note this event as well. We decided to honour the occasion at our Saturday meeting in July and to bring in as many and as varied a number of locomotives as possible to represent as much of the last 200 years as we can. In fact somebody suggested we should try and assemble 200 locomotives so let’s see what we can do.
David Gr reported that he had recently visited a lady who had contacted us regarding her late husband’s large collection of O gauge American models. David had visited her and seen the collection which is very large indeed and consists mainly of Lionel and MTH models. Sadly, as confirmed by Ellis Clark, there is very little demand for this type of thing,
however after the meeting Geoff and David arranged to visit her again and try to find a way forward.
Paul H’s brilliant coaling stage.
As usual David Ho kept everybody supplied with teas and coffees all day. Chris