Wednesday 2 October 2024

With the circuit up we ran a large selection of our favourite freight wagons. Paul and Stuart C both ran a large selection of wagons including several interesting Private Owner wagons. Stuart ran a large train of his wagons pulled around the circuit by his S&DJR Jinty and Paul’s wagons with agricultural machinery loads were pulled around by Fred’s GWR 64XX 0-6-2.

Fred had also brought in a large selection of private owner wagons featuring many local businesses that he had built or acquired (the wagons not the businesses). These he displayed on the big table although I presume, they would have run well enough. Other locos were also in evidence on the circuit including Roger’s 09 diesel (otherwise known as a Gronk according to Ross) and John D’s Sentinel.
On the big table Steve continued fettling his 8F and also gave his Standard Class 2 a run to see if after some adjustments it ran any better than last time. It did, but Steve thinks that there is still further work to do. Also, on the big table Roger worked on fitting the motor bogie recently sorted out by Richard B back on to his Class 33 Diesel while Paul carried on with his GWR coaling stage, building the approach to the upper level for the coal wagons.

Over lunch I reported that David Ho had been asked to look at the Lenham project which is on hold for the time being. We need to agree a plan to enable us to take this project forward. If anybody has any suggestions for this layout, they should speak to David so that he can take them into account. The idea is that we put forward a plan at the AGM which can then be discussed by everybody and a way forward agreed.
Various forthcoming shows were mentioned including the Guildford show on 23 November.
This is on the same day as our November Saturday meeting and several members said that they intended to go to that. It therefore makes sense to put our November Saturday meeting back to 30 November.
Once again David Ho kept us all provided with teas and coffees until we packed up and made our way home. Chris

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Focus on 4 wheeled passenger vehicles.
Wednesday, March 19th, 2025
10.30 - 2.30
Practical sharing session on modelling wagon loads and tarpaulins.
Saturday, March 22nd, 2025
2.00 - 5.00
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Focus on Green engines
Wednesday, April 2nd, 2025
10.30 - 2.30
Focus on Great Western/Western Region.
Wednesday, April 16th, 2025
10.30 - 2.30

See more in the diary.

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