Wednesday 20 December 2023

In eager anticipation of today’s proceedings, we all quickly assembled in the hall, and as tables and chairs were set out and David Ho provided us all with the cup that cheers, Tim and Sean set up the big screen on a table backing onto the windows so as not to let any light from outside interfering with the images. Geoff had won the quiz last year but had relinquished the role of this year’s quizmaster to Tim who had volunteered to take it. After struggling with getting those present to understand the concept of dividing into groups of three, Tim explained the format of this year’s quiz.
The quiz was divided into categories of six questions each with the sixth question earning a bonus point. The first category concerned railways in literature and featured questions related to the works of Dickens and Agatha Christie. There were also categories on pictures that were passed around on signalling practice, railways in the United States, the Titfield Thunderbolt film and a question on South American alphabet soup.
Although the questions had been cleverly pitched at a level to stretch our combined IQs beyond our normal comfort zones, we rose manfully to the challenge, sort of, and some teams even managed quite respectable scores. In the end two teams tied for first place and in the resulting struggle for who should take on the honour of quizmaster for next year John D emerged triumphant having been unanimously appointed to the role by the other candidates. After that, we all thanked Tim for his hard work in providing us with a very interesting and enjoyable quiz.
I then passed on seasonal messages to the Group from John P, Rob and Ross and these were warmly reciprocated. Some keen-eyed members had noticed that there were some new floorboards in the hall, and I was able to tell them that these were part of ongoing works to the hall now held over until after our meeting on 3 rd January. We understand that further works to the outside wall will be undertaken at some time in 2024.
Finally, I referred to an invitation to exhibit Edington or Queen Charlotte Dock at Tenterden in February. Edington is now sold of course, and it is now too late to organise a team to exhibit Queen Charlotte Dock due to absences and other commitments of those involved.
Following all of that we then headed over to the Red Lion for our Christmas meal where they did us very proud as usual. Chris

Thank you to Ross for sending in
this reminder of Christmas – the
Santa Special preparing to set
off from Tenterden in December.

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Focus on 4 wheeled passenger vehicles.
Wednesday, March 19th, 2025
10.30 - 2.30
Practical sharing session on modelling wagon loads and tarpaulins.
Saturday, March 22nd, 2025
2.00 - 5.00
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Focus on Green engines
Wednesday, April 2nd, 2025
10.30 - 2.30
Focus on Great Western/Western Region.
Wednesday, April 16th, 2025
10.30 - 2.30

See more in the diary.

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