Wednesday 21 August 2024

With at least eight members away on holiday our numbers were necessarily somewhat depleted although Geoff Eaton visiting from the Guildford O Gauge Group and new member Stuart C joining helped to swell the numbers.
Geoff came to drop off a print of Battle of Britain Class “Manston” pulling the Kentish Belle up the slope at Sole Street. Entitled “The Battle of Sole Street” the print was signed by both the artist and the driver. Geoff stayed for an hour or two and was very interested in our new layout and what we were all up to.

After setting up the circuit we started running in accordance with the first half of today’s focus “Anything Southern”. Steve
kicked off proceedings with a Jinty pulling his currently
unpowered Standard Class 2 around the circuit. This pairing ran very well and later Steve’s refurbishment project 45XX Prairie and a couple of 3 plank wagons took a turn round. Rob then produced a short squat red and yellow diesel which growled its way around the circuit. This was definitely a southern locomotive but south of where I’m not sure.

Over lunch Geoff (our Geoff) and David L regaled us with tales of acquiring engine nameplates, maker’s plates, track chairs and other railway artefacts. The common themes seemed to be an under appreciation (quickly disabused) of the weight of these items and the words “don’t tell anyone you got it from me”.

Later during lunch new member Stuart C appeared having spent several happy hours overcoming the SEGB barricades and trying to find us via the leafy lanes of Kent. Immediately rewarded for his perseverance with a cup of tea Stuart was able to run some of the locos he had brought with him. First up was a coarse scale Patriot Class which negotiated the circuit very well. Later his H Class in full SECR livery and a Jinty in S&DJR livery also appeared.

All through the session work continued apace on the
wiring on the Queen Charlotte Dock baseboards with David L, Tim and Barry K getting them ready for final testing and sign off.
As usual David Ho kept the teas and coffees coming.

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Focus on Sentinel Locomotives
Wednesday, February 5th, 2025
10.30 - 2.30
Focus on the unusual, bizarre and unexpected
Wednesday, February 19th, 2025
10.30 - 2.30
Saturday, February 22nd, 2025
2.00 - 5.00
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