Wednesday 6 March 2024

Today’s theme on the circuit was “Latest Acquisitions”. Both David L and Jack F had recently acquired Dapol Sentinel shunters, these were DCC and DC respectively. Both Sentinels were given a running in and performed admirably. Ross ran his Terrier with a short train and later Bill ran his LSWR O2 and train. Amongst other things running round was my SECR H Class. This had made several unsuccessful appearances on the circuit in the past with the bogie constantly de-railing or other mishaps occurring. Now recently “tweaked” by David L it ran round at length without any dramas taking place.

Jack F’s LNER Sentinel 0-4-0T No.42

On the big table John B worked on building a terraced house kit while Paul H worked on another building. Geoff and Paul H told us about the Gauge O Guild Kettering show which they had both visited at the weekend. Geoff also talked about the late Bob Fridd whose funeral will take place next week. Geoff and John Minter are helping Bob’s family in sorting out the huge amount of stock and equipment at Bob’s house.
Work continued on Queen Charlotte Dock with the new traverser now wired up and trains running on to it. Bill has started working on the dock side surface initially preparing the card sub-surface which will then be topped off with a variety of top surfaces. Finally, Bill, ably assisted by Tim, again kept us all supplied with teas and coffees. Chris

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Focus on post 1960’s freight
Saturday, July 27th, 2024
2.00 - 5.00
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Focus on 4-coupled locos: 4-4-0, 0-4-4, 2-4-0 etc.
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10.30 - 2.30
Focus on Southern-related stock
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10.30 - 2.30
Bring along your building/altering/improving projects to share and work on together.
Saturday, August 24th, 2024
2.00 - 5.00
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