Wednesday 6 September 2023

Following Guildex at the weekend the circuit was set up with the idea of running LBSC stock and items bought at Stafford. Unfortunately, with neither Bill nor Ross in attendance there were little if any LBSC participants, However Geoff ran a pair of maroon Mk 1 coaches he had acquired at Guildex behind a pannier with an interesting busby fitted chimney and later a LNER J71.

Paul H attempted to run a motor car power unit he was building but it experienced difficulties and despite coaxing from our DCC guru Barry it was retired back to the big table. Later Martin gave his D3 diesel a spin round the circuit where it made all the right noises and ran very nicely.
David L and Tim laid PCB sleepers on the lower level of Queen Charlotte Dock while I fixed rail and chairs to the upper level. Roger brought back the bridge that he had restored adding new parts where some had been lost. John P was not in attendance but is working at home on a signal box for the layout which will be used as a scene blocker under the bridge. Finally, together with Barry and Paul W we discussed how best to wire the layout for DC and DCC operation.
Earlier Paul W and Barry had set up the Edington boards on the stage to check them out ahead of the layouts appearance at the Faversham show this weekend. Once they were happy with everything it was got ready together with the lighting and all the other bits and pieces for loading up on Friday evening to take to the venue for setting up.
Over lunch I read out the usual notices. Roger reported that he has yet to receive confirmation of our invitation to show Queen Charlotte Dock at Longfield in January. He also informed us of a Military Modellers show to be held at Gravesham on 30th September which he thought would be very good for scenery items and tools. Jackie pointed out that
there was a dead rail on the circuit and he and David Ho undertook to deal with the matter after lunch. Our Treasurer Geoff reported that our bank balance (after cheques issued today) was £1,641 somewhat less than the £2,000 we like to keep in hand.

We had previously agreed to increase the meeting fee to £5.00 from next year and will be proposing (for discussion at the AGM early next year) to increase the annual subscription to £25.00 pa.
Teas and coffees were by courtesy of David Ho and after a final cuppa we all headed off home. Chris

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Focus on Sentinel Locomotives
Wednesday, February 5th, 2025
10.30 - 2.30
Focus on the unusual, bizarre and unexpected
Wednesday, February 19th, 2025
10.30 - 2.30
Saturday, February 22nd, 2025
2.00 - 5.00
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