Wednesday 6th April 2022

Despite a couple of Covid absentees fifteen of us managed to overcome the Kent Lorry Park that was backing up from Dover and find their way to Badlesmere . Early arrivals set up the circuit and hoped that somebody would arrive with something to run on it.

Fortunately Fred, Geoff and John B had locos and stock to run and Roger ran his very impressive coal train.

Locos on show included B4s , an R1 and a Fowler.

I brought back the sides and back of the micro layout on to which I had painted a sky backdrop.

David Ho, John P and Doug then put the layout “box” together and finessed it to make it all fit together better.

Fred showed the final proofs of our new leaflet and banner to those who hadn’t seen them before

The proofs are now approved and Fred is to have them printed probably in time for the next meeting.

Today’s Lenham working party of Paul W continued getting the new boards ready for track laying for which David G will be looking for volunteers in due course .
I met with Ian the Hall Manager to discuss partial refurbishment of the storeroom .

John P and I then cleared the corner to left of the outside door so that Ian can have any worm ridden wood chopped out and the area made more weather and rodent proof. We are still however going to install an ultra sound device in the storeroom to hopefully scare off any little critters from there .
Over on the big table, John B and Jackie continued with their kit building, Mike showed some of his recent model building work and Paul H carried on with his steam railcar.

Over lunch we discussed amongst other things our proposed trip to Mangapps Railway in Essex. Geoff proposed going there on a Wednesday that is not one of our meeting days in order to avoid as much of the general public and their offspring as possible.

By the time you read this hopefully the date and the numbers going will be fixed and a mini bus booked.

Roger reminded us that Sarre will be exhibited at Bexhill in August and gathered the team together after lunch to discuss tactics and some exciting new ideas.

As Head of Sales, Roger will also be attending the Pett Open Day on 10th July taking with him our new banner and leaflets.
After lunch people started drifting away and as the clock moved round to 2.00pm we packed everything away and headed off home.

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Focus on 4 wheeled passenger vehicles.
Wednesday, March 19th, 2025
10.30 - 2.30
Practical sharing session on painting carriages (especially those with two-colour liveries) and weathering but this may change.
Saturday, March 22nd, 2025
2.00 - 5.00
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Focus on Green engines
Wednesday, April 2nd, 2025
10.30 - 2.30
Focus on Great Western/Western Region.
Wednesday, April 16th, 2025
10.30 - 2.30

See more in the diary.

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