A) Chairman’s Report: Chris noted that the hall rent had risen from £30 a meeting to £44, and electricity charges were expected to rise. He thanked the Secretary and Treasurer, and Paul W and Barry K for their work. A question was asked about the number of paid up members, the answer was 34 (including two honorary members). Receiving the report was proposed by John Bullimore, seconded by Paul Honey.
B) Treasurer’s Report: Geoff explained the account details, noting that the hall charged the lowest rent in the area. Reduced bank charges were noted, although payment by bank transfer to the EKOGG account did not incur charges. Receiving the report was proposed by Roger, seconded by Dave B and passed.
C) Subscription review: Following discussion, the current principle of subscription and payment for attendance at meetings, was proposed by Mike, seconded Paul H and passed with two votes against.
The annual subscription was set at £30 plus £5 per meeting attended, to be reviewed after six months, proposed by John B, seconded by Ross, passed with four abstentions.
A request for the 2024 subscription will be included in the March newsletter, to be paid ideally by bank transfer.
D) Election of Executive Officers:
The Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer indicated their willingness to continue in post.
The following were elected to the Committee:
Roger, proposed by David H, seconded by Bill
Ross, proposed by Dave B, seconded by John M
John B, proposed by David Gr, seconded by Rob.
E) Modelling Competition confirmed as 26th October 2024.
Meeting closed at 3.30 pm.
Discussion followed the meeting to consider plans for the layouts and exhibition requests, future activities and any other items raised by members.
The matters raised included:
Lenham will fit partly across the stage, leaving room for the existing big table to be set up, and will provide a club layout and modelling opportunities, but will be mothballed until the summer.
Concern was expressed about how expenditure on layouts has been decided.
Saturdays will in future include operating sessions, using the layouts available.
Geoff was asked to research the possibilities of EKOGG arranging a small scale exhibition locally.
Activities might include skill sharing on Wednesdays.
The possibility of evening meetings was discussed but not taken further.
Annual General Meeting
Posted: February 24, 2024
Posted in General
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