Autumn 2020

December 2020

David Ho. and Roger H have been working on projects: a BR(S) station and rolling stock. More photos in our Gallery pages.

December 2020

Simon Curtis has told us of Colin’s death. A long term member of EKOGG, Colin Curtis had been the Guild’s Area Rep. for the South-East and had served as Secretary at one time. Members may well remember Colin at shows with the GOG Stand, often with Tiny M or one of us and remember his sense of fun. We often had him with us at The Barn, where he is pictured with his Order of Merit award from GOG.

Home modelling – November 2020

EKOGG modellers are active at home during this lockdown. David Ho. has been working on structures for his station and adding lighting to the buildings. More photos to view in our Gallery.

Another layout that is lit at night is Friars Lane Depot, Barry K’s latest layout. Our Gallery contains views of its motive power.

Do keep us up to date with your projects. We’ve heard that John D, who models narrow gauge and small industrials which run on O track, is well into constructing a Lister loco of the sort used in small factories and even by some watercress growers, if I remember rightly. Paul W is ankle deep in polystyrene snow as he builds landscapes, and David G has turned out an A12 in Southern ‘Sunshine’ livery.

November 4th 2020

Another pre-pausing meeting, this time with small groups at either end of the hall and the Circuit between. Several locos ran, including Fred’s LMS jack-shaft diesel. Chris shewed his SECR goods shed, which is awaiting custom made windows. High capacity wagons and a parcels van were being constructed at either end of a table, while on the next table, a set of shock-van parts were being laboriously matched to drawings. Others inspected suspect wiring in an 4-4-0 loco. On three freshly constructed base-boards, full size track plans for our new station were being positioned. We said our good-byes in the bright sun of a chilly day, hoping to meet up in mid-December.

Home projects continue: This is Fred C’s diorama. More of Fred’s photos in our Gallery pages.

October 24th Saturday sessions for Sixes RM

At change over time, the morning shift were cleaning and stowing equipment. They’d talked of DCC and how we’re one of few GOG clubs keeping active. Paul H had been productive, with a group of small figures that he’d painted – one even had a taxi awaiting him. Paul W must have been in celebratory mood as he ran a smart GWR auto-coach and 14xx tank engine. Later a pair of blue salt wagon joined the loco. Celebrations were certainly due as he’d virtually finished the new baseboards and track laying is being planned.

With several people having to cry off for sessions, we ended with a very select group during the afternoon. John B reckoned that the SR coaches that I’d unearthed looked like CCW products. They had suffered over time and will need some fettling. With an O2 loco they looked pleasing. A parcels train was taking shape on John B’s table, as he searched through bags of fittings. We tidied at the sessions end and drove off into the rain – remarkedly similar to that in which we’d arrived.

October 20th & 21st Sessions for 6s RM

The 20th had the committee discussing future sessions and what to include, while trains circled in the background. John B started with a small diesel towing a SR utility and van on the outer track, as Paul H ran a GWR freight on the inner. With muted DCC, the GWR 63xx Mogul, lived up to its prototype; quiet and smooth running.

The 21st was Pannier Tank Day – well a fair number had come in, out of the rain. I think there were four, including Geoff’s with the bulbous spark-arrestor, used when working in flammable factories, and Tim’s in London Transport colours. As is fast becoming a tradition, Paul W was inside the Circuit beavering away preparing supports for our new station and deciding whether to adapt existing legs or go for fresh woodwork. My old Terrier was having gear meshing troubles, but two SR carriages I’d discovered in the far recesses of my loft, seemed happier. Fred’s freight train was well behaved behind his and others’ locos.

Sound was in action with the Minerva tank engine that Chris had hauling his SECR open wagons. Chris M had the plans for his Margate Sands goods shed; a standard SECR design which he is carefully shortening. Our DCC controller was used by Tim as well, when he took time away from the narrow-gauge saddle tank he’s assembling for his growing industrial layout. Geoff, with some crimson and cream stock on his table, said he was glad that we’d kept going even, as Fred added, small numbers meant some loss of the “old feeling”.

In the News – Roger H spotted a familiar model in November’s BRM. It was an electricity substation made by our very own Colin S. [photo: Ross S]

October 7th 2020 Second meeting under fresh conditions.

Rob M [photos: RM. Other autumn photes by RS in Gallery]

The six of us saw plenty of trains on the Circuit, with Fred’s GWR King George III leading the way. Meanwhile a SR Q1 was being trialled by David Ho. with an ever-increasing line of vans, coal wagons and milk tankers joining on behind. My Terrier followed with a pair of pristine 3 plank wagons. As soon as Paul had fitted a connector, Chris M was in action with the Group’s DCC controller as Paul W leafed through the instruction book. Once the R1 class tank engine’s number was keyed in, there was movement and a page or so later sound. Chris investigated numerous codes and instructions for locos over the next quarter hour.

Windows opened, and suitably spaced at tables left ready for us by the previous day’s group, we had a productive day. Aluminium carriages were drilled and prepared for painting, John P carried out scenic work, rolling stock was checked and tested and a white metal tram readied for assembly. Paul glued stiffeners into the three new baseboards that he’s been constructing since our return.

As this session ended, we cleaned and packed, and wended our ways. It had been good to chat and continue modelling together.

October Modelling at home Stuart is keeping us up to date with his modelling. – Do send us your photos.

Needing another Cambrian carriage to go with that which won our Competition, Stuart built, painted and lettered a Branchlines kit for a Taff Vale 4-wheeler. Look in the Gallery for more of his varied projects. [photo: Roger H]

October 6th 2020 EKOGG back on Track

[photo David G]

September 29th 2020

We are lucky to have arranged for additional meetings during October, after the pause to cope with changing regulations. So, EKOGG can offer six sessions during the month: four on weekdays, and two on a Saturday, with an afternoon session following an earlier morning one. Each meeting will be for five people, plus a key holding committee member. I will be contacting you all to offer places on a rota, keeping it as fair as possible. Those who attend will have to share the chores of setting out or clearing the hall, plus cleaning down.

Hopefully, I’ll be seeing you at some time during the month, if our rotas coincide. Wishing you and yours well, Rob M

10th September

We have cancelled all meetings until further notice. In the light of the Government’s statement about numbers of people permitted to be together in this phase of the Covid 19 outbreak, there will be no EKOGG sessions for the remainder of September. We and those who run the Hall, and keep it safe for us, will have time to consider how they’d like to act. Obviously, this is a great disappointment and we are loath to cease sessions, especially after our latest enjoyable, and safe, gatherings. However, we’re receiving ideas from some members and plan to continue in some form as soon as possible.

2nd September 2020 Wednesday at Badlesmere “Show & Tell – Lockdown Projects” Rob M

A great sweep of tables around the hall shewed our modelling projects. A varied selection of ‘Bring & Buy’ items were traded from the ends of tables. Modelling was quietly continuing at the rear of several displays. Jim P, John D and Steve S returned to the fold today, and two visitors were introduced by Geoff.

At noon, we heard about the projects. From behind an impressive range of models, David G showed the diners in his twelve wheeled restaurant car, an iconic S&DJR 2-8-0, and a Class 24. Fred’s table was fronted by an engineer’s train behind a Dapol 14xx. David Ho. displayed a tin platform store in SR colours. That was from a resin kit, but he also had laser-cut models ready to assemble. Production of Edwardian strollers and adding others to a backscene was Chris M’s theme. Steve showed an early BR diesel, in the D25xx series, which he’d assembled from an old and quirky kit. Geoff, brought along a Pullman he’d made some years back for the late Roy Chambers.

John D brought a Lynton & Barnstaple open wagons; others are being given added detail by him. John B had a selection of stock from his light railway; some of it adapted from pre-owned items and kits. From behind ‘Bring & Buy’ boxes, Roger described some of his ‘modern’ stock, as well as a ‘special’ tanker for a well-known aerosol paint. Tim had been productive during Lockdown, assembling an 0-4-0t loco, a grain hopper and an insulated van for his brewery layout. A gleaming SR liveried H16 4-6-2t was shewn by Jim P. Mike’s creosote and sleeper depot now has a pressure vessel with a working hatch. Ross brought us up to date with news of the diesel and wagons he’s made for the Tenterden Museum. I finished ‘Show & Tell’ with PO wagons loaded with glittering coal.

Later there were chances to inspect locos, wagons, carriages and station buildings, and to learn more tips from the builder’s own facemasks. Tim, Mike and the Committee packed away, after the other eight members had disinfected and cleaned down. Many thanks to all who spoke, helped and made it an enjoyable session. [photo: Projects on David G’s table / Rob’s loaded coal wagons. See the Gallery for more.]

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Focus on 4 wheeled passenger vehicles.
Wednesday, March 19th, 2025
10.30 - 2.30
Practical sharing session on modelling wagon loads and tarpaulins.
Saturday, March 22nd, 2025
2.00 - 5.00
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Focus on Green engines
Wednesday, April 2nd, 2025
10.30 - 2.30
Focus on Great Western/Western Region.
Wednesday, April 16th, 2025
10.30 - 2.30

See more in the diary.

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