Lenham Junction Progress

The track plan has been finalised, overcoming some tricky problems making it fit with the need to connect easily with the rest of the circuit.

Track laying has begun, and should progress reasonably quickly, if members are willing to pitch in and help.

We have enough components to make a good start, Paul and I will assess what else we need to complete the trackwork and put in an order to C&L.

The initial challenge is to lay up to five points which will provide useful experience for members.

Meanwhile, Roger is sorting out the buildings, and he writes: “If you would like to be involved in their construction, please let him know”.

We have scale plans for the buildings which consist of the main station building, the platform shelter, signal box and goods shed. Valancing for the platform shelter is available in etched brass from Roxey Mouldings but the rest of the structure and the bay platform canopy will need to be calculated from photos (of which we have a number) and the support columns designed and made. 3D printing anyone?

David G

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