We had 40 entries for our competition, the most we can recollect, along with displays of other models, filling six tables. They were set out near the windows, so appeared in good light. Buildings and motor vehicles filled one section, while rolling stock and locos vied for space on another. Once we’d managed to find a place for our projects, and were fortified by tea and coffee, it was down to the serious business of inspecting the models pondering the two choices we are allowed for each class of model.

The ‘David Newton Award for Scenic Items’ went to Chris M for his Margate Sands Bridge Span, with Tim awarded a ‘Distinction’ for his Gothic Water Tower. Roger’s Nuclear Flask Wagon took the ‘Peter Tangye Trophy for Goods Stock’ and a green coach from Set 972 won David G the ‘Keen Trophy for Passenger Stock’. This year the ‘George Knowles Trophy for Locomotives’ was presented to John M, whose Edwardian Ledsham & Hereford Railway No.6, 4-4-0 express loco, was voted first.

We all talked to the group about a model we’d shewn or methods used; ranging from coping with laser cut buildings, through colour techniques, via making miniature machinery to painting craftsmen’s models for museum display. Members were in favour of including a class for ‘Dioramas’ in future competitions. More photos from Ross S & Rob M can be seen in our Gallery Album.
Rob M