Saturday 22 October 2022 Modelling Comp

The main event of the day was our Annual Modelling Competition where the four categories were evenly represented with some excellent models in each and nearly 30 entries overall.

After inspecting all the models presented voting commenced and after the count, David G, our Chef de Course for the day announced the winning entries with Geoff hogging the limelight.

Geoff’s O-6-O tank engine won first prize in the locomotive category ahead of his ash shifter loco which came in second. However, in the passenger and NPC section David G’s Gresley Full Brake came first with Geoff’s four-wheel coach only claiming second spot this time.

Bouncing back in the goods section Geoff’s breakdown crane came in ahead of Roger’s excellent bogie bolster while in the scenic section Fred’s wagon diorama gained first place with Tim’s brewery cooperage in second place.
After the winners were announced, all the models displayed were considered in turn and the odd tip passed on.

Amongst these Bill considered it best to use acrylic paints on resin models while Fred preferred to first use Halfords primer. Railmatch spray cans were also recommended.
Geoff reported that the suggestion of hiring a coach to take all those who wish to go to the Guildford Show on 26th November has now been dropped due to insufficient numbers.
However, we will still hold a meeting on Saturday 3rd December at the usual time of 2.00pm.

As previously reported the subject for this meeting will be “Problem Models” so bring in any models that you are having difficulty with and we will all sit around and offer hopefully helpful solutions to the problem.
Tim as our first reserve deputy tea maker stood in today for John P who would have stood in for David H so thanks to Tim for that.
Earlier in the day all our electrical equipment had been PAT tested by Ian and Sue Earl and we thank them for that and also John J who assisted Ian with one or two of the trickier items.

A few items were deemed to be no longer of any use to us and these have been culled and passed to Roger to dispose of.
Finally, as people drifted away, we packed everything away including our electrical equipment some of which may not have gone back in the same box that it came out of but we can deal with that next time. Chris M

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Modelling Competition
Saturday, October 26th, 2024
2.00 - 5.00
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Queen Charlotte Dock exhibited
Saturday, November 2nd, 2024 - Sunday, November 3rd, 2024
10.00 - 5.00
Focus on diesel engines.
Wednesday, November 6th, 2024
10.30 - 2.30
Focus on anything not Southern related.
Wednesday, November 20th, 2024
10.30 - 2.30

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