Wednesday 20th April 2022

Badlesmere welcomed fourteen of us to focus on Sarre and shunting stock.

There was a good supply of goods wagons together with a few four wheel coaches.

There was also a good amount of loco power including Roger’s Terrier, my R class and Bill’s M7.

In addition to that Ross also brought along some beautiful models from the Tenterden museum.

On the big table Jackie painted some vans, Geoff showed off his £25 N Class (yes! £25), Paul H was building a new goods shed for his Gauge O Guild micro layout, Fred was showing some of his diesel locos and private owner wagons and Steve was working on a

Tim turned up with a monster industrial building for his new brewery layout and proceeded to paint the pointing.

Tim, David Ho and I put the micro layout together and measured it up to see how easily it will fit in member’s cars when we need to take it anywhere. The jury is out on this so watch this space.

Over lunch we discussed the proposed trip to Mangapps Railway.

Roger informed us of the proposed closure of the M2 on weekends during May, June and July which will impact upon some of us attending our Saturday meetings during those months.

The Chairman reported that he had been in contact with Mick Hodden, our member dans la France Profonde, who continues to thrive but whose modelling has been hampered recently by a burst hot water tank.

Despite this Mick has been working on some Slater’s wagon kits and we hope to hear more from him in due course.

At our last meeting Ross had asked about the website gallery.

Barry K has reported that he has now got the hang of this with a lot of assistance from Rob.

Fred reported that the banner and leaflet are with the printers and he hopes to have them either for Saturday’s meeting or the 4th May one. We then discussed the slides that we intend to show at exhibitions to explain to happy punters the train movements they are seeing. We aim to do this by the means of a monitor screen having seen something similar at the recent Beckenham show.

David Ho is to see if he has something suitable in his attic where he keeps his portrait.
After lunch running continued on Sarre before we packed it all away and wended our wayhome.


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Focus on 4 wheeled passenger vehicles.
Wednesday, March 19th, 2025
10.30 - 2.30
Practical sharing session on painting carriages (especially those with two-colour liveries) and weathering but this may change.
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2.00 - 5.00
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