Wednesday 26 July 2023

David, Tim and I set up and worked on the baseboards for Queen Charlotte Dock while Paul took the opportunity to carry out some further maintenance on Edington.
With the QCD boards set up we were able to agree the final position of the warehouse in relation to the bridge and to decide what other buildings will be needed at that end of the layout. The bridge has a fine cantilevered walkway which we want to retain and we came up with a solution to enable us to realistically do so without it ending in mid-air or against a brick wall. Our main task of the day however was to glue cork underlay to the baseboards and we pretty much completed that with only one or two small sections still to do. Next up will be gluing the Templot track plan in place to be followed by sleepers and then the start of track building.
While this was going on Paul worked on Edington getting the signals working correctly and providing protection for the wiring against careless hands.
All in all, a very productive session which we will probably need to repeat in order to get Queen Charlotte Dock ready for its debut at Gravesend in November. Chris

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