December Faversham Meeting: Geoff won the Christmas Quiz, despite his having dined with us before hand; usually a recipe for becoming comatose. Wide ranging Questions from railway modelling to the origins of Broad Street station were set by Roger and caused lively banter amongst those 16 of us armed with paper and pens. John P broke out mince pies and bubbly drinks as we milled around discussing plans of Edington’s buildings were spread before us by John Minter, or looking at the PD&SWJR tank loco Ross had brought along. Later, calling out season’s greetings, we headed off under chilly stars and Faversham’s Christmas lights. [photo: Ross S]

Frank Poulton – We heard the sad news of Frank Poulton’s death on 25th November. Frank had been a stalwart supporter for many years, and was always pleased to share his considerable skills to the great benefit of those of us struggling with soldering irons and coupling rods. His own models were an inspiration, and he continued to experiment with new ideas. His ambition for his engines to travel slower than anyone else’s around the barn circuit was demonstrated by his GWR 0-4-0t dock tank hauling a massive goods train at an snail’s pace, based on his principle of maximum weight and minimum friction. He built an immaculate LSWR radial tank and SECR D Class. His mischievous sense of humour cheered many a lunchtime session and Faversham meeting. His contribution to EK0GG has been and remains highly valued. Our condolences go to his wife and family. Notes by David Grimwood

November’s Faversham Meeting: We gathered round in awe as Barry, our speaker, spread a splendid selection of his model trees before us. A real “Master Class” with swift wire twisting producing trunk and branches. He then demonstrated how to add more branches and explained how to sculpt bark and add foliage. Barry very generously donated several of his trees to our Edington layout project. A well attended and enjoyable meeting. [photo: Ross S]