Wednesday 7 December 2022

With everybody dressed appropriately for an afternoon on the piste as temperatures outside hovered just above zero and probably less in the hall we settled down for this year’s quiz.

Having led last year’s successful team to victory it fell to Geoff to officiate at this year’s proceedings. After we had split ourselves into groups of three, with one group of two on account of their additional brain power,

Geoff began by telling us that the quiz would consist of forty questions and that in accordance with convention the question
master’s decision would be final with regard to any queries or disputed answers.
We got off to a cracking start and I actually knew the answer to the first four questions however it went downhill from there but fortunately I was carried along for the rest of the quiz by my team while I continued to give moral support.

It soon became apparent however that our Hon. Treasurer was having problems with numbers today as there was no question number seven and some of the other questions had two part answers. This meant that depending on how you counted it we actually had either thirty nine or forty four questions. Despite this Geoff carried on manfully dealing with
an increasingly unruly crowd with some people calling the answers out aloud, presumably in a spirit of seasonal goodwill intended to encourage the other teams.
When Geoff read out the answers at the end of the quiz a few amongst our number, and we know who you are, even had the temerity to dispute some of the answers. At the end of it all the scores were added up and Roger’s team won with a very creditable score of twenty eight .

This meant of course that Roger also lost because he now has to provide next year’s quiz.
After the quiz Geoff was congratulated and thanked for providing such a successful and entertaining quiz.

David Ho then briefly reported on his efforts to get someone from the MERG group to come and talk to us at one of our Saturday meetings next year. The local MERG group is in some disarray at the moment but David will persist in his efforts
We then set about the real business of the day which was to head off over to the Red Lion to enjoy each other’s company over a Christmas meal and a small libation. Chris M

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2.00 - 5.00
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10.00 - 5.00
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10.30 - 2.30
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10.30 - 2.30

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