We are sorry to learn that Eileen ’s Emporium has ceased trading and appointedliquidators. The company has done its best to send out all the stock for pre paid orders and are sorry that they were not able to complete all of them. Any claims against the business should be sent to Christine.Vaines@btguk.com
Loco building seminar
Those present may remember that I laid out the frames for a Gibson 0 6 0 chassis as a starting point for building a loco kit. Having opened the box, and talked about it, I thought I should finish the kit . So here it is awaiting some final details , couplings and weathering. The […]
Wednesday 7 December 2022
With everybody dressed appropriately for an afternoon on the piste as temperatures outside hovered just above zero and probably less in the hall we settled down for this year’s quiz. Having led last year’s successful team to victory it fell to Geoff to officiate at this year’s proceedings. After we had split ourselves into groups […]
Saturday 3 December 2022
With winter very definitely drawing on we huddled together around the big table to consider each other’s “problem models”. Various models appeared on the table including a number of small tank engines from Bill, David G, Geoff and Ross and a three plank wagon from me . Suggested solutions were offered and hopefully will be […]
A Memory from Ross
In 1962 I was living in Gosport and working in Portsmouth. I saw a BR handbill advertising an excursion from Pompey direct to the Bluebell. I went with a friend from the local model railway club (some things don’t change!) We were shocked on arrival of an SR 4Cor EMU. Naively we were expecting a […]
Saturday/Sunday 19/20 November – the Ashford Show
Ashford 180 was a celebration of the arrival of the railways to Ashford and the effect it had on the town’s development. It was held in 11 sites across Ashford with a free bus connecting them. The event was organised by AIMREC with support from the Ashford Model Railway Club and many others.We were allocated […]
Wednesday 16 November 2022
In a change to the advertised programme, we set up the circuit around a bucket to catch the water from a leak in the roof. Today’s focus was principally on Dapol stock but many other locos and other stock were also in evidence. Again, Bill and Fred ran some GWR locos with Fred having also […]
Saturday/Sunday 5/6 November – the Gravesend Show
EKOGG was again invited, and our members gave a good turnout to man the stand with Dave B, Chris M and John J on Saturday, and Paul W on Sunday. Fred and Roger attended on both days. We had the pleasure of Geoff and his diorama alongside and he kindly covered when the rest of […]
Wednesday 2 November
Today we set up the circuit in order to run Heljan locos. GWR locos prevailed with Bill running two prairies and a 2-6-0. Bill had also brought in two very smart looking GWR corridor coaches and a passenger brake van. Other locos seen running round the circuit were Fred’s Crab, Steve’s WD Austerity loco and […]
Saturday 22 October 2022 Modelling Comp
The main event of the day was our Annual Modelling Competition where the four categories were evenly represented with some excellent models in each and nearly 30 entries overall. After inspecting all the models presented voting commenced and after the count, David G, our Chef de Course for the day announced the winning entries with […]
Wednesday 19 October 2022
The focus today was on Sarre and industrial locos. Bill, Fred, Ross, Steve and others all brought in locos to run. Geoff brought in fourteen (!) industrial locos but that was just showing off. Ross also brought in a large number of wagons for sale which were soon snapped up. John P put the kettle […]
Wednesday 5 October 2022
We had the circuit up and running today. John P ran his R1 and some wagons and Rob had his red saddle tank “Elizabeth” hauling some POW wagons from where he used to live. Jackie and Ross also ran stock and Jack gave his recently acquired prairie tank a run out. Jack had previously run […]
Seminar on Loco kit building led by David Grimwood
Today’s subject was the building of loco kits where David G gave a very extensive and informative talk.David’s first tip was to read the instructions carefully before doing anything else. The standard of kit instructions varies enormously from the almost worthless to the superb sets of instructions such as those provided by Connoisseur Models and […]
Wednesday 21 September 2022
In a change to the advertised programme, work continued on Lenham while Sarre was put up in place of Edington in order to enable those who had brought in BR and SR stock to run it on the smaller layout instead. As people arrived the number of workers on the Lenham track gang quickly rose […]
Sarre at Faversham, 10th/11th September, 2022
Sarre had a successful outing. John B, Jackie, Tim and I operated the layout on the Saturday and John B, John P, Tim and I operated it on the Sunday. As the Faversham club had confirmed the day before that the show would go ahead notwithstanding the week’s sad events, we collected the layout from […]
Wednesday 7th September 2022
This was a busy day with 18 happy souls and only just enough tables to accommodate everything and everyone. After the circuit was set up numerous locos appeared including David B’s B4, Fred’s small Prairie and Paul H’s GWR Class 2800 2-8-0 tender loco. Also in evidence were Fred’s D3 and small tank running round […]
Seminar on the magic of DCC led by Barry King
Today’s Skills session was on the subject of DCC. Barry explained the concept of DCC and how he had used it on his own layout at home. While the locomotives were controlled through the hand held throttle the points and signals were controlled via a mimic panel which enabled him to operate them by the touch of […]
Sarre exhibited at the Bexhill Model Railway Show
Chris M, John B and Roger H drove down, each bringing bits of the layout in what has become the usual way to avoid van hire. The set up went smoothly including a test run by one of John’s locos. We then loaded the cassettes and did a test shunt. Immediately the point furthest from the fiddle yard […]
Focus on Sarre and SR including precursors and successors branch stock.
Having been exhibited at Bexhill on the previous Saturday in near tropical temperatures Sarre was set up to examine the issues that had arisen there. David Ho worked through them one by one while John P took control of the tea run. After inspecting them all David declared most of the issues had occurred as […]