
Spring 2021


May 2021 – After the months of keeping in contact through our essential Newsletter, Website and WhatsApp, the Committee met with Ian E. in the Hall on May 19th. Ian was happy with our arrangements for meetings, when they are permitted. The procedures we need to follow are as before and are listed on our […]

Into 2021


‘Southbrook Station’ now has a goods shed and office as David Ho. continues construction. John B. is keeping us up to date with his light railway via our monthly members’ newsletter. A new r-t-r cream and carmine railcar (ex-GWR) has appeared on David G’s layout. A new loco for John M’s “Ledsham and Hereford Railway” […]

Autumn 2020


December 2020 David Ho. and Roger H have been working on projects: a BR(S) station and rolling stock. More photos in our Gallery pages. December 2020 Simon Curtis has told us of Colin’s death. A long term member of EKOGG, Colin Curtis had been the Guild’s Area Rep. for the South-East and had served as […]

2020 Summer


Saturday trial meeting 22nd August Rob M It was good to see John J and Bill R drop in making 10 attending. With the Circuit and tables ready for us, it wasn’t long before I’ had a mixed train moving behind a BR(S) O2. Paul H, our District Rep, ran a gleaming GWR Warwick Castle, […]



EKOGG Modellers’ News  – August 2020 Rob M August 4th – Mystery Lockdown Loco puzzle?   Ross,”John M got very close in late April when he said, “ Hm- looking at your loco chassis- six couple, with big chunky balance weights and a smaller bearing at the end- is that for a jackshaft drive? Maybe a […]

2019 High Summer


21st September at Badlesmere Ross S We arrived to find various maintenance tasks in progress at the hall, including painting of the corrugated roof. Jim and John B quickly took up residence at the modelling tables. Jim brought his superb engine shed, while John B, having completed a six-wheeled milk tank (apart from painting and […]

2019 Late Spring – May onwards


Friends & Family Day 2019 July 20thRob M Thanks to everyone for all the hard work which made it a convivial day. We entertained a score of our families and modelling friends for an enjoyable afternoon, although we had a few glitches to cope with. As a class 37 and a Southern Pacific mogul sped […]

2019 January & New Year


2019 April 17th Wednesday at Badlesmere Rob M Battery power and radio control came to “The Circuit” again in the form of D3120, Allen’s diesel shunter. The loco was working, controlled by an app. on Chris N’s mobile when I was let loose on it, switching on lights and speeding up with a swipe of […]

Autumn 2018


December 15th 2018 Saturday in Faversham – Christmas QuizRob M You could hear muttering from the teams, “I’m sure I know this one…” and “… got it” as the Quiz progressed. Teams of twos and threes had appeared from John P’s hat, and as always results were close – elevens, thirteens and the leaders with […]

Summer 2018


18th August 2018 Saturday at BadlesmereRob M Working through Sarre’s exhibition sequence of train movements kept John P employed for the afternoon, with minions uncoupling, carrying out minor track repairs and purloining pencils to annotate the master copy. It was great fun as some locos and stock had been substituted for the expected ones today. […]

2018 Winter into Spring


April 21st 2018 EKOGG in FavershamRob M To mark the 150th Anniversary of Colonel Stephens, Ross conducted us around the many minor railways that had been engineered by Stephens or which had become part of his “empire”. On the tour, photos showed the Colonel, his lines, motive power and rolling stock. Models were also included; […]

Autumn 2017


Faversham – Saturday, December 9thRM With Santa hat and twinkling lights, Chris Nuttall set the scene for our Christmas Quiz. “Which steam engine runs on paper?” was the question that we all puzzled over, with a sneaking feeling that there was a bit of a twist involved. With names picked from the hat, teams huddled […]

Summer 2017


Friends Open Day – Saturday July 15th – Badlesmere(Photos: Ian Earl, Ross S & RM) We raised our glasses to “EKOGG and Friendly Modelling” then welcomed our visitors. As well as 21 of us, we had some 39 people drop by; family, people from the village and modellers from Kentish groups. We’d slotted four displays […]

Spring 2017

Sarre at Thanet

Thanet Group’s Open Day – Saturday April 29th Birchington’s sunny streets were full of EKOGGers as I approached Kearn Hall.  Inside Chris and the others were holding the fort on Sarre, which after a shaky start was running with locos on every siding, in the fiddle-road and on the ground.  They told me it works under the […]

Autumn 2016

The circuit

Badlesmere – Wednesday December 12th RM The “Circuit’s” baseboards were all joined up when I stepped into the hall. Very impressive. People had been busy setting out tables to support it and now the tweaking was taking place with Paul fixing latches. He had his team sticking down underlay at the same time. The “Sarre” workers suffered a minor setback […]

Summer 2016

Discussing the finer points

July 13th  Wednesday at Badlesmere  –  RM When the fourteen of us were having lunch around the work table we heard about the Pett Show. Chris and Jim looked after our sales table, allowing Roger to man the GOG stand.  They did a fantastic job for us so we will now be able to send […]

Spring 2016


June 8th 2016 – Wednesday at Badlesmere  – Ross Shimmon – writing & photos We are well settled into our new home. It doesn’t take the more able-bodied members to take the Edington Boards from their shelves and onto the trestles.  It’s a treat to be able to erect the whole layout and have space to walk […]

New Year 2016 & Autumn 2015


AGM  February 13th Two dozen of us and visitors piled into the Fleur hall for our AGM.  (A dozen had joined for lunch earlier.)  Our searching out a new home for our test track was the hot topic.  Although we have some possibilities lined up, members are continuing to look around, with Paul Weeden and […]

High Summer 2015

Running time

August 22nd  –  Working party  –  Ross S A small, but select, group decided to do some work to catch up at the barn in preparation for the first public appearance of Edington Junction in September.  Colin Curtis worked on the path leading up to the lamp hut and John P continued building the fencing […]

Into Summer 2015


July 18th – Saturday session  –  RM  –  photos by Ross S & RM Even with the summer’s twice a weekly meetings there were ten of us.  The sun was shining and the bees, by the door, buzzing for maximum honey production.  Up in the loft a Standard tank and SR G6 were on the circuits.  […]