
Wednesday 2 August 2023

Earnest discussions

Today we were allegedly focussing on SECR on the circuit. However, as soon as the circuit was set up, some interlopers with tapered boilers from west of London appeared in the shape of Kings and Castles and even a large diesel turned up. Later on David Ho ran a Southern Railway Q1 class and Geoff […]

Wednesday 26 July 2023

The micro layout

David, Tim and I set up and worked on the baseboards for Queen Charlotte Dock while Paul took the opportunity to carry out some further maintenance on Edington.With the QCD boards set up we were able to agree the final position of the warehouse in relation to the bridge and to decide what other buildings […]

Open Day 2023

Open Day entrance with John D ready to welcome visitors

Having been able to set everything up at our preceding meeting on Wednesday and leave them in place we began to arrive from 9.00am onwards to add stock to the layouts and display stands and make any final adjustments to the hall layout. As last year David Ho set up the car parking signs outside […]

Wednesday 19 July 2023

New layout in progress.

Today we focussed on getting everything ready for our Open Day this coming Saturday.Edington was set up and while David G populated the layout with his stock and tested itssmooth running, Paul W and Barry beavered away checking the electrics.August 2023Newsletter Page 2 of 4 David Ho got the micro-layout out and worked on the […]

Wednesday 5 July 2023


Today was a free day on the Circuit with no particular focus so people ran whatever they wanted. Many diesels were in evidence including Fred’s Warship Class which after some initial coaxing fairly raced around. Sean ran his Class 33, Steve ran his Class 25 and David G ran his 4COR set. Steam appeared in […]

Saturday 24 June 2023

Bring & Buy. Bill on the prowl

Today’s “Bring and Buy Sale” produced a very large and interesting selection of member’s locos, rolling stock, kits, and railway related books for sale. While some members picked over the items on offer Paul, Barry, David L, John P and others retrieved Saturday Edington from the store-room and set it up ready to run. Roger […]

Wednesday 21 June 2023

Queen Charlottes Dock discussion group

It was very busy day today with a lot going on. After setting up the big table the Queen Charlotte Dock baseboards now with alignment dowels fitted were assembled and the Templot track plan in a continuous roll laid out along them. This gave a much clearer understanding of where the track will actually go […]

Wednesday 7 June 2023

Roger's brake van special

Today we focussed on brake vans and had over twenty being hauled round the circuit. The vans came in all shapes and sizes with pre-grouping through to post nationalisation being represented. My favourites were Roger’s two SECR brake vans but then I would say that wouldn’t I. While this was going on some of the […]

Saturday 27 May 2023

Intro to Signalling by Tim S    Inside a box

After an entertaining ten minutes or so setting up the equipment Tim gave us his talk and slide show entitled “An introduction to Signalling”. Tim started off his working life as a signalman on the London Underground and produced a slide showing him at work in the Aldgate East signal box together with a natty […]

Wednesday 17 May 2023

Lenham construction.

This became a very busy session. Edington Junction was erected, the plan being for those due to operate the layout later in the year would be able to familiarize themselves with its operation. Everything started well, but it became clear that some of the wiring had broken internally and failed, including the wiring from one […]

Wednesday 3 May 2023

'Stepney' with 4 wheeled Stroudley coaches

Today’s focus on the circuit was on royal, Pullman or other special stock. That was the theory but in practice the only royal item was a Royal Mail van. However, the circuit was constantly in operation with members bringing in a large and varied selection of stock.Fred brought in his LBSCR terrier “Stepney” and some […]

Saturday 22 April 2023

Geoff R's presentation on trainspotting.

Geoff’s talk nominally entitled “Memories of a teenage train spotter” encompassed both his early train spotting memories and his subsequent interest in all forms of transport. Geoff’s initial interest was prompted by the trains passing his primary school in Wincheap where the now long gone Elham Valley line used to run past his classroom windows. […]

Wednesday 19 April 2023

LMS 4-6-0 5640 Jubilee 'Frobisher' D Andrews kit. Fred C

After quickly setting up the circuit we all settled down to what was a very productive meeting. Paul K and Barry K spent the day wiring up the track work on Lenham which is now starting to look very impressive. David L, Tim and I continued planning the new dockside layout. I produced a life-sized […]

Wednesday 5 April 2023

SECR R 0-6-0T as SR124 Chris M

As Spring began to arrive in Badlesmere we set up the circuit in order to run 6 and 4 wheeled carriages and anything else anybody had brought along. To begin with, David G ran his S&D Sentinel, then Fred ran a very fine rail car that he had built and followed that up with an […]

Saturday 25 March 2023. 3D printing demo

3D printing screenshot

Being the progressive and tech savvy group that we are we gathered to hear David L expound on the wonders of 3D printing and the intricate detailed models that it can produce. David gave a very interesting power point presentation on the subject and had brought along his equipment and examples of items he had […]

Wednesday 15 March 2023

Edington Junction SDJR 2-8-0 David G

We had a very productive meeting today with work being carried out on three layouts and another new member joining us. Keith Meredith, having seen our web site came up from Dymchurch and must have liked what he saw because he has now joined our happy band.Today’s focus was on Edington which was quickly set […]

Wednesday 1 March 2023

Lenham under construction

Martin Barnard turned up today having been pointed in our direction by Geoff and immediately started helping to set up tables etc. We can’t have been doing too much wrong because Martin has now joined us and we welcome him in to our club. We set up the circuit today in order to run members’ […]

Saturday 25 February 2023 AGM

AGM committee

a) The Chairman (Chris) opened the meeting by running through his annual report.Received: prop. Jackie, sec. Roger, all in favour.b) The Treasurer (Geoff) presented the accounts, pointing out that the Mangapps trip, insurance and bank charges were new costs. Following a question about a 2023 business plan, he noted expenditure on a new layout and […]

Wednesday 15 February 2023

7mm road vehicles 
David G

Our focus today was on road transport and buildings with many fine examples having been brought in. Tim brought in one of his epic brewery layout buildings and David G and others brought in numerous examples of road transport and lineside buildings. There were some impressive road vehicles and I particularly like David G’s coalman’s […]

Wednesday 1 February 2023

Edington. David L refreshing scenery

Several regulars had sent their apologies so it was a pleasant surprise that no fewer than 12 members attended today. The theme was ‘red coaches’, and Paul ran a rake of fine looking Dapol red and cream Mk1s behind an impressive Class 47, while David G produced a rake of Gresley vehicles hauled by an […]