We’d tucked up the layout for the winter in the gloom of a misty November 5th. The Nailbourne team got their last track fixed down just as our layout season ran out and are planning for the spring. We chatted over lunch in Faversham before our first afternoon meeting of the autumn season. We began […]
Summer 2011

By August’s end Nailbourne had gained its first ballasted track. On the opposite side, an M7 was running on Cavedale while they planned buildings and scenics. Large drawings of P tanks were poured over, and “Railrider” posters were on display for the twelve members to look at over tea.. August started with a line up […]
Spring 2011

The highlight of spring was our celebration of 25 Years of modelling. Founder Members Les Gibson, Maurice Baker, Peter Hingley & Ross Shimmon cut our 25 Year cake. [RJM] We celebrated our 25 Years in style. Wine flowed, cakes were cut, by the Founder Members present, and acquaintances renewed. Displays of models old and new, plus […]
Winter 2010

The last trains for the season were run then we covered the layout with its winter protection ready for our return in spring. Curved modules now exactly fit between Nailbourne and Cavedale. Earlier the team patched a hole through the floor into the workshop below! October’s town meeting featured fascinating footage from LMS film of 1930’s operation, with sections […]
Summer 2010

The summer warmth often kept us around the picnic table, but Nailbourne’s base boards took shape. Cavedale’s approaches were laid while our trains were on the circuit. Our display tracks were in Faversham for Kent’s Garden Railway Show on July 10th. With a good turn out, setting-up and testing of the banana shaped tracks went well […]
Spring 2010

After February’s AGM we had our Model Show with more items on display than ever. Locos in various stages of construction, rakes of wagons and lineside buildings. Certificates were presented to several members. Malcolm Parker, an excellent model maker of the Edwardian era of the South East & Chatham Railway, had died early in the […]
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